Author Topic: Carnival Redux  (Read 5987 times)

Viv Savage

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Carnival Redux
« on: September 18, 2020, 02:17:30 PM »
For those of you that don't tread the facebook water here's the post from earlier today:

Carnival Redux

Tickets (and T-shirts) are selling very well for our Global Gathering on 24th October. We will be giving more details of this broadcast very soon. Meanwhile we have had a separate project in the pipeline...


We have always felt that Carnival was the one album where the recording, mixing and mastering didn’t bring the end result close to what we had originally intended in the writing. So when our label, Edel, declared their interest in licensing and reissuing the album (with others to follow), we discovered four associated tracks (B-sides and unreleased songs) to add to it and saw an opportunity to ‘reimagine’ the album as a whole.

We are aware that it is very dangerous for any band to ‘go back’ (and especially unusual for us) – so we made one absolute rule, that we wouldn’t re-record anything and we’d ask Lee Smith, who mixed From Here and Winter, to remix it using only the original multi-tracks, without too much involvement from us. Some songs have changed very little, others quite a lot. And to our minds, this has worked well and has enhanced the album’s principle qualities, particularly the wealth of original musical ideas, at last arranged in a sonically satisfying way to bring out the power, energy and inventiveness of the record. In the spirit of this ‘reimagining’, we have altered the order of the songs a little to include the additions - while our artist, Joolz Denby, has recreated the cover artwork in a wholly new original version.
The album will be available as a limited edition media-book pack and on high quality white double-vinyl. We hope you will enjoy it.

1 Water
2 BD3
3 Rumour and Rapture (1650)
4 Red Earth
5 LS43
6 Island
7 Carlisle Road
8 One Bullet
9 Bluebeat
10 Too Close To The Sun
11 Another Imperial Day
12 Prayerflags
13 Stoned, Fired and Full of Grace
14 Caslen (Christmas)
15 Fireworks Night

The album will be released on November 20th but you can pre-order copies through our Shop:

Your pre-order will automatically entitle you to an instant free download of a digital download of the first ‘single’ – ISLAND – and, exclusively through our Shop, the opportunity to pre-order a special-price T-shirt featuring Joolz’s stunning angel design. 


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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2020, 03:30:03 PM »
Ordered ! Just a question, is the vinyl will give also the full album to download (I assume so but ...) and if yes, will it be upon receiving the album on 20/11 or sooner ? thanks a lot, great idea (I have to say that High would probably be the other album that would need the same treatment, always felt those two albums were not as good in term of mixing and mastering as the others)
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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2020, 03:52:04 PM »
I'm Awestruck!
You've got to be kidding...
This new mix of Island is:  In!Your!Face!! Just listened to it, right now my heart is still beating... Such an energy.. you know that song so well and then you get this new "version" or mix...what a great experience i just had listening loudly to that song alone in my living room..
This is great!

....sorry;-) really got carried away by this. i had a few more listens, and for me, this is a new new model army track. well, it's like a new track for me. the excitement....
there was so much going on in my brain while listening to that. such a big impact, like a drip of water in the mouth of someone almost dying of thirst in the desert...
Love this! Can't wait for the whole album Redux!!!!!!!

« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 05:46:51 PM by cthulhu »
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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2020, 06:40:56 PM »
I'm thrilled! Especially to see Stoned, Fired and FUll of Grace get a studio version (I assume) release. Also tempted by the suggestion that more albums will be re released.  I'd sure like to see Turn Away get a studio version release as well. I'm going to wait for the full release listen, but early reports are promising.

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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2020, 09:16:14 PM »

I can't wait for this one!  Normally remixed re-releases, from whatever band releases them, are something I avoid, but this sounds like a good 'un.

I'm sure I mentioned this before on another thread, way back in time, but Carnival was an album I rather under-regarded at the time and came to like far more in recent years.  But the track listing of this new version (Stoned, Fired And Full Of Grace! Rumour And Rapture 1650! Caslen Christmas, whateverthefook that is!  ;D) looks great.

Consider my order placed!


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Carnival - Redux... November 20th, 2020
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2020, 11:56:03 PM »
For those of you that don't tread the facebook water here's the post from earlier today:

Carnival Redux

Tickets (and T-shirts) are selling very well for our Global Gathering on 24th October.  We will be giving more details of this broadcast very soon.  Meanwhile we have had a separate project in the pipeline...


We have always felt that Carnival was the one album where the recording, mixing and mastering didn’t bring the end result close to what we had originally intended in the writing.  So when our label, Edel, declared their interest in licensing and reissuing the album (with others to follow), we discovered four associated tracks (B-sides and unreleased songs) to add to it and saw an opportunity to ‘reimagine’ the album as a whole.

We are aware that it is very dangerous for any band to ‘go back’ (and especially unusual for us) – so we made one absolute rule, that we wouldn’t re-record anything and we’d ask Lee Smith, who mixed From Here and Winter, to remix it using only the original multi-tracks, without too much involvement from us.  Some songs have changed very little, others quite a lot.  And to our minds, this has worked well and has enhanced the album’s principle qualities, particularly the wealth of original musical ideas, at last arranged in a sonically satisfying way to bring out the power, energy and inventiveness of the record.  In the spirit of this ‘reimagining’, we have altered the order of the songs a little to include the additions - while our artist, Joolz Denby, has recreated the cover artwork in a wholly new original version.

The album will be available as a limited edition media-book pack and on high quality white double-vinyl.  We hope you will enjoy it.


 1.  Water
 2.  BD3
 3.  Rumour  and  Rapture  (1650)
 4.  Red  Earth
 5.  LS43
 6.  Island
 7.  Carlisle  Road
 8.  One  Bullet
 9.  Bluebeat
10. Too  Close  To  The  Sun
11. Another  Imperial  Day
12. Prayer  Flags
13. Stoned,  Fired  and  Full  of  Grace
14. Caslen  (Christmas)
15. Fireworks  Night

The album will be released on November 20th but you can pre-order copies through our Shop:

Your pre-order will automatically entitle you to an instant free download of a digital download of the first ‘single’ – ISLAND – and, exclusively through our Shop, the opportunity to pre-order a special-price T-shirt featuring Joolz’s stunning angel design. 

Most humble greetings, all ye, me lovelies...  8)

I.  I.  I, I, I am completely flabbergasted, dumbfounded, speechless, and utterly shocked - in a frightening, yet weirdly thrilling, exciting, but most comforting way - to learn of this highly unconventional NMA music news, update.  This seriously needs a lot of digesting, ruminating, thought pondering, on my part.  I am in a state of trying to grasp, understand NMA/JS' will, intent and reason(s) behind such a colossal - potentially, incredibly perilous, though remarkably commendable - and fervently - most courageous NMA musical endeavour, thus far, to date. 

There is so much for us to mull over, about it all... especially for me to contemplate, etc.  "Carnival" is, for me,  the  singular NMA album that flipped my world on its head and changed so much of me, such an integral part of me, my perception, my way of thinking, my way of living and my way of navigating through this and my world.  The world as I knew it, saw it, grew to understand it, was largely shaped by this very special NMA album.  And now, "Carnival - Redux" will inevitably reconfigure and reshape, tweak-up my world(s), etc. at least once more, if not perpetually.  This is precisely where I am enraptured, yet frightened to the core, really.

Going back to make things right, correct, tweak or touch-up the past, is always a very delicate, critically risky, and extremely tricky thing to master, do... I imagine.  It takes some serious balls of steel, I think, to even contemplate such an attempt, let alone follow through with it.  Meddling with the past could and can potentially, seriously fcuk up everything, in the now and all, if anything, that is up ahead.  NMA/JS et al... You noblemen, musical soldiers of worth, good, truth, and valour are completely deserving of utmost reverence, astoundingly astonishing!  Fearless!  Stronger and braver than any other(s) I ever, ever known.  You will do extremely well, just and true, indeed and otherwise.  Keep faith.  Do not fear or doubt in each other, nor in and of yourselves especially, ever... d'you hear?  Use the force (yeah, that was a Star Wars reference, just in case folk didn't get that), innate within each and everyone of you, and things will work out.  You'll see.  :)

I haven't even heard a single note off  "Carnival - Redux"  yet.  But I have to say, you gentlemen put the album in truly great hands!  Mr. Smith did a phenomenal job on both NMA albums,  "Winter"  and  "From  Here".  Extremely pleased to learn Mr. Smith has been entrusted to care and handle the goods,  from  "Carnival" as well.  As for me, I'm going to wait 'til November to listen to any part of it.  I want the moment to be as, if not even moreso, special than when I first heard the initial, original version of the album.  I'm going to make an event and thorough experience out of it, listening to "Carnival - Redux", and wait for the whole package to arrive, come.  I might even wait 'til late December.  But when the feelin's right, I'm gonna to take it in, and take it whole... in all it's splendour, just, as every NMA release should be.  xxxxx

Deepest thanks to you Mr. Savage, for posting this incredible news here and to NMA for emailing me about it too!  You wonderful people made my day, night, week!!  Thank you SO very, very much!   :D

Seriously, I love you people!  Thank  you.   :)

Now, if only John the shop elf would just get back to me about getting Blackballed's latest CD in the shop so I can order everything altogether, would be beyond fantastic!  Wink.  Wink.  Nudge.  Nudge.  ;)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2020, 12:08:49 AM by 8 »
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Carnival - Redux... November 20th, 2020
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2020, 01:56:19 AM »
Ordered !  Just a question, is the vinyl will give also the full album to download (I assume so but ...) and if yes, will it be upon receiving the album on 20/11 or sooner ?

I sure hope there will be a digital download version of  "Carnival - Redux" included with the purchase of the Vinyl version.  Oh crap,  :-\  oh 'GOD', please let there be?  Yeah, now I'm worried.  ' Cause I don't play my vinyl.  Hardly ever, actually.  These days I buy vinyl purely for the esthetics of it.  I can't stand the skipping, snap, crackle and popping of it, as it plays.  Not to mention, having to get up to flip the side or change the LP.  I buy it for the artwork, and coloured vinyl, really.  That's all I miss about vinyl.  Especially coming from someone like me, who tends to listen to songs and or on loop for hours and hours.  And no, doing this doesn't kill the songs for me, it actually solidifies my love and appreciation for them, the songs.  I actually DO get something new out of every single new listen.  Fcuk drugs 'n nicotine.  Music... sHe is my heroin(e), my elixir, my ultimate trip 'n tipple!  I'm just wired this way, been so since I was a wee schmuck... soz.  It's just in my blood.  8)

great idea (I have to say that High would probably be the other album that would need the same treatment, always felt those two albums were not as good in term of mixing and mastering as the others)

Whoa!  Valstar Superstar, I love  "High".  :)  But if  NMA/JS  ever feel the incredible urge, want, need, intense desire to resurrect that one as well, that would be totally cool with me too!  I LOVE multiple versions of any NMA/JS songs.  Truth be told, the more, the better, as far as I'm concerned.  Keeps the entire NMA/JS repertoire fresh, vital, current, stimulating, thriving, alive!   8)

I'm Awestruck!
You've got to be kidding...
This new mix of Island is:  In!Your!Face!! Just listened to it, right now my heart is still beating... Such an energy.. you know that song so well and then you get this new "version" or mix...what a great experience i just had listening loudly to that song alone in my living room..
This is great!

....sorry;-) really got carried away by this. i had a few more listens, and for me, this is a new new model army track. well, it's like a new track for me. the excitement....
there was so much going on in my brain while listening to that. such a big impact, like a drip of water in the mouth of someone almost dying of thirst in the desert...
Love this! Can't wait for the whole album Redux!!!!!!!

Ohhh, I totally get the thirst-quenching aspect of it all.  Especially where NMA/JS are concerned.  Fcukin' hell-yeah, I do!   :P :P :P :P :P
Missed your presence 'round here.  Great to see you back surfing these sacred waters with us, Cthulhu!  :)
Genuinely hoping that things are going well with and for you, Klaus.  Enjoy the album.  :)

I'm thrilled!  Especially to see  Stoned, Fired and Full of Grace  get a studio version (I assume) release.  Also tempted by the suggestion that more albums will be re-released.  I'd sure like to see  Turn Away  get a studio version release as well.  I'm going to wait for the full release listen, but early reports are promising.

Hello Willard,  :)

100% with you on all three great points!  What a terrific time to be following NMA's work, eh?   Hope you'll come back to post your thoughts once you here the full album, would love to hear / read about it.  Same goes for everyone else surfing, floating, posting here.  It's what makes this place so special... it's all of you!  :)

I can't wait for this one!  Normally remixed re-releases, from whatever band releases them, are something I avoid, but this sounds like a good 'un.

I'm sure I mentioned this before on another thread, way back in time, but Carnival was an album I rather under-regarded at the time and came to like far more in recent years.  But the track listing of this new version (Stoned, Fired And Full Of GraceRumour And Rapture 1650Caslen Christmas, whateverthefook that is!  ;D)  looks great.

Consider my order placed!

How's it goin' Master Ray?  Well I hope.  :)

I'm thinking "Caslen  (Christmas)" is the lyricized version of Caslen.  Perhaps it's the version that appears on the  US version of the BD3 EP ?  ???  If it is, it's quite beautiful.  I find it very moving.... but then I would as I really love the softer quieter side of NMA/JS' works, just as much as the harder stuff.  Hope you enjoy the record.  I'll be lookin' forward to seeing you post about it, at some point down the road, as well.  That'd be really great.  :)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2020, 02:08:05 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2020, 09:09:19 AM »
CD ordered,really looking forward to this.............i am a big fan of Carnival.


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Re: Carnival - Redux... November 20th, 2020
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2020, 10:37:35 AM »

I'm sure I mentioned this before on another thread, way back in time, but Carnival was an album I rather under-regarded at the time and came to like far more in recent years

Exactly the same ! And the same with High for me, that’s why I mentioned it  :)

I sure hope there will be a digital download version of  "Carnival - Redux" included with the purchase of the Vinyl version.  Oh crap,  :-\  oh 'GOD', please let there be?  Yeah, now I'm worried.  ' Cause I don't play my vinyl.  Hardly ever, actually.  These days I buy vinyl purely for the esthetics of it.  I can't stand the skipping, snap, crackle and popping of it, as it plays.  Not to mention, having to get up to flip the side or change the LP.  I buy it for the artwork, and coloured vinyl, really.  That's all I miss about vinyl.  Especially coming from someone like me, who tends to listen to songs and or on loop for hours and hours.  And no, doing this doesn't kill the songs for me, it actually solidifies my love and appreciation for them, the songs.

I have to say I have a REALLY decent sound system (had to wait to be more than 45 to finally be able to buy what I dreamed about in my 16s, will probably never be able to do it again if it breaks ;)), and I was only listening to digital music for a long time. Then I plugged back my record player, and when I put a digital song (with a good DAC for digital to analog conversion) and the same song on vinyl, there’s no way you can prefer the digital version (not just mp3, cd also). The sound of vinyls is way much warmth, and the « space » is much more occupied, don’t know how to explain that, you feel that the room is actually filled by the sound, that never happens with digital music (but I still mostly listen too digital music on a daily basis, it’s more convenient, just not as good :))
« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 09:42:24 AM by Valstar Superstar »
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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2020, 02:44:53 PM »
Great news. Never been one of my favourite albums, although there are some excellent songs on it. A new take on it will be interesting.
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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2020, 05:23:24 PM »
I`m a fan of Carnival - Red Earth!!!
So it`s a good news to get a redux with some other songs I like and collected in different versions :)
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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2020, 05:33:14 PM »
A Vinyl Version, this is really great news. Hope to see more of the albums never been released in the best available Technology —> Vinyl. Love it😍.


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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2020, 09:07:38 AM »
Looking forward to this - the album never really grabbed me in the same way as others, so looking forward to seeing if the change in track listing, re-mixes etc changes my mind and hooks me. Still have some of my favouite NMA songs on (Prayer Flags, Bluebeat, BD3), and will be good to hear version of Stoned....


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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2020, 07:40:40 PM »
HA ! I have all NMA albums on my laptop but when I moved abroad some nine years ago, all original albums stayed behind in a loving care of my ex-boyfriend. So, besides buying new albums, I've every now and then ordered CDs of older albums, just to have them for myself with cover art and lyrics and everything... and of course, I just f*****g ordered Carnival CD earlier this month, now after a week staying away from work&internet, I come here and there's news about this re-issue...... FML seriously  ;D If I wouldn't be rather 'financially challenged' at the moment, I'd order this one also but.........................


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Re: Carnival Redux
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2020, 07:29:18 AM »
Pre-ordering the Redux version also challenged me financially quite a bit. I calculated and came to the conclusion that the price is almost exactly the amount of what i had left for the month. So since some days now i'm totally broke, my account says i have 1€ left to spent 8) Before ordering, i filled up my tank and that's it. I work as a cook, so i get my food there. So about one week to go until the wage comes in...
But the pleasure of hearing Island was totally worth it!
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