Brilliant update Mr S....I think we're all looking forward to it the current times,
it's a bright star in a misty night.
Ohhh, yesss and the only one worth gazing up

into the night sky for, at. That was very beautiful. So true. SOoooo true, Bunny.

Here's an update for the NMA online global gathering on 24th October:
"Here are some questions and answers concerning the online Global Gathering on 24th October.
1) Will the Online gig be available to watch later?
Yes, it will be available to view after the live event, BUT this maybe on a different system. If you cannot join us live, please do not buy a ticket yet.
2) On what format will it be screened?
It will be broadcast from a dedicated server in HTML5 which is very high quality transmission and will work with all major browsers (Windows, Safari, Chrome, Firefox etc). If you have very slow internet speed, the server should be able to detect your connection and adjust the quality accordingly. We will be discussing the technical side of the event more fully a little nearer the time.
3) What time will it be screened at and how long will it last?
We'll begin at 20.00 in the UK (BST) and the band will play for between 150 and 180 minutes including a break half-way through.
4) When will the T-shirts arrive?
We are about to begin printing the first couple of thousand of these. If you want to receive your shirt before the broadcast, you must order before midnight on September 24th. We will still take T-shirt orders after this date, but we cannot guarantee that they'll arrive before the Show.
Please note that on Friday there was a considerable rush in the Shop and we had issues with Paypal cancelling a few orders for no reason that we could detect. We turned Paypal off for a short time and we now think that the issue is solved. However, if you ordered with Paypal last week, please check the order status in your account to make sure it has not been cancelled. If it has been, you should be clear to re-order. As always, rest assured that everyone will get what they paid for, they will only pay once and nobody will miss out ;-).
Looking forward to it!
New Model Army
Tickets are available"
I am extremely interested in purchasing a proper, official, legit DVD copy of the entire NMA 40th anniversary concert. I'll be watching the online streaming of it, live on October 24th, for sure!

Don't plan to miss it, not for anything in the world! It's all I'll get to soak, savour and
taste of NMA live, this year. And, a DVD of the whole performance, event, would beyond a thrill, fantastic!

If an official DVD isn't, for whatever reason
(s), a possibility at this time, then could you, would you, NMA/JS, please, please, p-l-e-a-s-e,
heavily consider tacking the entire 40th anniversary online concert onto the orchestral Leipzig gig one-off concert DVD? As one of the very special BONUS features on the Leipzig gig DVD? Oh, please? Powers that be, please?

You're already planning to record that special gig too, if I'm not mistaken, correct? If so, they'd make a seriously sweet package together. Here's to hoping.
Thank you Mr. Savage for posting this important update here on the noticeboard. Super stoked about the whole online gig...
thank you beautiful beautiful soldiers, crew, et al.
Thank you! xxxxx