Author Topic: The love for Car Chases Insane Stunts Crashing Metal and Burned Rubber (in Film)  (Read 1359 times)


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Sounds great and is another reminder to work on my should-have-seen-this-already-must have-seen-movie list  8)
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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Tenet is, indeed, a mind blowing flick.

Did I ever mention the big car chase scene in 'To Live And Die In LA'?  One of my favourite thrillers ever and, damn, that scene is tense.  All done 'for real', no CGI back then!   ;D

My Blu arrived some days ago, i was on the road for a while and now i'm totally looking forward to watch this tonight!! A friend of mine just mentioned that he feels the Bullit car chase is when compared to this one totally overrated...
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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Tenet is, indeed, a mind blowing flick.

Did I ever mention the big car chase scene in 'To Live And Die In LA'?  One of my favourite thrillers ever and, damn, that scene is tense.  All done 'for real', no CGI back then!   ;D

My Blu arrived some days ago, i was on the road for a while and now i'm totally looking forward to watch this tonight!! A friend of mine just mentioned that he feels the Bullit car chase is when compared to this one totally overrated...

Well, what a blast! This was really fantastic and an eye opener for me. I am a devoted Grand Theft Auto player on the playstation and i have spent hours and months playing the game and driving around Los Santos, etc, being chased by the cops...and this car chase in Living and Die in L.A. looked so familiar. Well it has to be the other way around, but to watch this and reckognize some parts and streets of the city while doing a car chase...just loved it!! It was even more, it was like: "damn, i also drove that way while being chased" If you have not played the game you won't know what i'm talking about, but the sequence with crossing the train and then into the canal and there being chased and driving up the sidewalls... :D ;D

Yes, this carchase has to be one of the great ones!!
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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Grand Theft Auto! Blast from the past... I looooved playing GTA all night long... I had all possible cheat codes and then just went for a killing spree... Ah, those were the days  ;D


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Grand Theft Auto! Blast from the past... I looooved playing GTA all night long... I had all possible cheat codes and then just went for a killing spree... Ah, those were the days  ;D
So this is for you Tarsier..and it is with cheat codes..and it is also a blast from the past for me, regarding having done this vid and watching it again now...
GrandTheftAuto III Killing Spree to Thrash Metal by Evil Dead..dug out for Tarsier
« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 05:30:58 AM by cthulhu »
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • i'm trying to quit, but i just quit trying
Saw this mindblowing documentary about MotoGP and i think it fits best in here:

I found this to be an exceptional good documentary. It tells a great suspenseful story and the images and footage are just pure adrenalin to watch. Very sympathetic, very rousing and thrilling and touching story. I highly recommend this.

Hitting the Apex - Trailer
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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Grand Theft Auto! Blast from the past... I looooved playing GTA all night long... I had all possible cheat codes and then just went for a killing spree... Ah, those were the days  ;D
So this is for you Tarsier..and it is with cheat codes..and it is also a blast from the past for me, regarding having done this vid and watching it again now...
GrandTheftAuto III Killing Spree to Thrash Metal by Evil Dead..dug out for Tarsier

Haha thanks, nostalgic to see this :) Tad too many police cars for my taste though as my favourite cheat code was to get rid of all the cops – it was such a pain when they came to interrupt all death and destruction I was creating ;D