Facebook is the number 1 communication system for everybody now, bands, people, brands ... so we should be happy that NMA is still bringing news here, most bands don’t even bother to update or even make a website.
Every now and then I get a link from a friend for a FB post were I’m mentioned, or in an old photo that get posted. Most of the time, after a day or so, an asshole will come make a comment about me from a story or another that is 25-30 years old ... (I used to organise gigs and parties so lots of people now me in the small Parisian Goth / Punk underground). I’m always amazed that those people just live in the past, as if their life stopped after a few years in the « underground » and how they keep talking about insignificant old events, as if there was nothing new and exiting in their life for more than 20 years... That’s Facebook to me, people trying to think they have a interesting life because they HAD a good time for a year or too in their 20s ...
I hate so much FB