No links on the front page as to where to order the bundle of both albums outside the UK (like, in France for example
). Anyone found a good place?
Hi ya, Valstar Superstar.

Not too sure where to get any of the bundle(s) outside the UK; however, I had some extra time today and did a bit of searching around, online. It may or may not be of help, I don't know.
I'm going to assume it's the
double LP vinyl version of BOTH JS albums, "Navigating By The Stars" & "Surrounded" bundle, that you're looking to source / purchase. Would that be correct?
I'm in Canada and am going to be ordering my copies from the UK, as I've always done in the past with the bulk of my NMA/JS/RSC collection. I just have to wait 'til sometime in April though, as I don't have the funds at the moment. I thought for sure that would be carrying the vinyl copies of the of both JS albums, but to my heartbreaking shock and disappointment - and for some unbeknownst to me reason - they aren't at this very minute. Folk can check out that link you all just passed for proof.
(France) I genuinely don't understand what's up with the vinyl versions not being available via, as NMA have an extremely decent and considerable following in France. I genuinely hope that someone from Mr.
Sullivan's management team, or even the label / company distributing both "
Navigating By The Stars" and "
Surrounded", will look into ironing out those kind of few yet significant pleats, creases.

I'm going to go off on a seriously heartfelt tangent and rant, vent for a bit here, now...
Sullivan's life's work(s), creative / music related endeavours (very same goes for
everyone who has ever been a part of AND everything
New Model Army and
Red Sky Coven related) absolutely
deserves to reach as many people /
souls as possible. Mr. Sullivan/NMA/RSC and his / their work(s)
deserve SO much better,
SO much more - more than they've ever been given over the years and certainly, more than they've ever even asked for -
especially, in terms of / with regards to...
- radio / air play, be it live in-studio performances OR simply having songs / material from their collective musical repertoires played to the masses
- better, proper, even-across-the-board worldwide album distribution, live concert performances and legitimate access to the music or art itself where they wouldn't lose any rights or revenue as the creators of said art
- acknowledgement - in terms of creative value, singular uniqueness, their steadfast hard efforts and immense love for the art itself - however, by general folk also, who appreciate and champion either of the artistic realms that JS/NMA/RSC have whole-heartedly, so soulfully and quite strikingly-so, openly immersed themselves in during the course of their lives, their careers, individual journeys
- recognition for artistic and cultural worth, merit, contribution by the related respective industries and cultural institutions, most especially
- accolades and genuine support by the media via album / concert reviews, etc.
- opportunities of performing to wider reaching audiences all over the globe, either on their own or as part of other concert events or specifically, bigger, notable festivals
Please forgive me, as hard as I might try, the art of articulating is not my forte. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that Mr.
New Model Army/
Red Sky Coven deserve far more positive breaks and creative opportunities than he/
ve ever even asked for or
that they have ever been granted... y'know? There are so many people floating here and surfing on other social platforms elsewhere, who so strongly, so intensely, feel the very same way about
RSC's collective work(s), efforts. So many of us would really, really
love to see ALL of those good and wonderful things finally happen for them

though not in an out-of-control, superstardom or toxic, stifling,
'fame' kind of way.
Ohhh, 'GOD'... why on earth are some of those outside the NMA/JS/RSC bubble so blind? Why? Why? Why? Ugh. Ugh! Ugh!! 

I am SO grateful, profoundly moved and incredibly thankful that I was introduced to New Model Army via their incredible song "White Coats". It was savoured in all it's truth and beauty as a decade's end countdown entry. It played on the TRUE original "Spirit of Radio" station here, all those many, many, many moons ago. If I hadn't been tuned in / listening to the radio that day, I'm not sure how much longer it would've taken me to come 'round to NMA/JS. By that time, I had already missed out on so much of NMA/JS's work.
I would've definitely, eventually, truly missed out on THE very best, most beautiful, profoundly meaningful (to me) moments in and of my entire life. For from that instant, tiny, yet intense spark, grew a love so cherished, so deep for all things NMA/JS. That tremendous, thundering & consoling love, respect, admiration for NMA/JS and their talent, gift(s) would prove to last me decades, all the while continuing to strengthen, grow, flourish.
All those treasured tiny moments that blossomed and grew over the years, were among the very extreme few, truly positive, soul-shifting, up-lifting, elated joys that I'd ever, ever felt, ever experienced, ever been gifted by anyone - in all of my life. I love them, so very, very much, as do so many, many, many of us floating here. NMA/JS deserve so much better. They ohhh..., so do!!! This needed to be reiterated, expressed, shared, said. Just, how I feel. 

To head back on track regarding Valstar Superstar's original bundle(s) inquiry, question...
(Germany) At his very second, appears to have the vinyl version of "
Navigating By The Stars" available, yet
not "
Surrounded" on vinyl... which again, is a shock, but this time by half. Why one and not both JS solo albums? What am I not getting = missing, here? Doesn't seem to make any sense to me. Is it still too early, or something like that? Anyone in the
know, jump in here and shed some light on this finding, observation, situation.
(Italy) Not exactly sure what's happening here, though it's incredibly fantastic that appears to be carrying
both full-length JS recordings in vinyl format!!
(Canada) Absolutely thrilled to discover is also carrying
both JS's first and second solo albums on vinyl, as well!
(United States) Same goes for, they're carrying both "
Navigating By The Stars" and "
Surrounded" vinyl formats, also!

Not sure if any of the above information is of help to you Valstar Superstar, but I thought I'd share what I managed to find online with you (and other interested folk), anyhow.

On a completely
New Model Army note...
While looking for Mr.
Sullivan's two solo albums at, I stumbled across something from NMA that I've never seen or heard of before. It's a curious
NMA video entitled
"New Model Army - We Love The World" from 2013, which is weird because apparently, wonderfully melodic former NMA guitarist, Mr.
Dave Blomberg is supposedly in it. Thing is, he left NMA back in 2005. Which makes me wonder whether this NMA video is official, legitimate.

To me, it looks a bit iffy, dodgy. It has, though, sparked considerable interest from me; however, if no cut of the profits go to the band / artists = NMA themselves, I'm going to pass on it. Perhaps there's someone here, reading this, that can take a minute or two to let the rest of us know whether it is an official NMA release / product or not?
Please, if it's not too much to ask, tell us all you might know about the video in question, as the listed details are few and rather sketchy at that.
Have a good day and stay safe, all ye gentlefolk. To whomever makes and takes the time to reply to any of the above question(s)... Thank you.