Author Topic: New Jstin Sullivan solo album announced on Facebook 19/12/20  (Read 4161 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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pulled from the official  home page...

“Under the circumstances, it wasn’t particularly surprising that this was the moment to make another solo record and the songs came thick and fast in the first few weeks of the lockdown… 

There is not so much about ‘what’s happening in the World’.  As with Navigating by the Stars, which was written in the aftermath of 9/11, I wanted to write about other things - some well-known stories, some less well-known, some autobiographical and more a landscape of the imagination than social comment. 

I’m grateful for all the many musical contributions I received from friends that help to create all the different atmospheres and places; it’s a long album, but it seems that all the songs belonged together in one collection. 

I hope people enjoy it.”

 - JS

                                                                                                         1.   Dirge
                                                                      2.   Amundsen **
                                                                      3.   Coming  With  Me
                                                                      4.   Clean  Horizon **
                                                                      5.   Stone  And  Heather
                                                                      6.   28th  May
                                                                      7.   Akistan
                                                                      8.   Unforgiven
                                                                      9.   Sao  Paulo **
                                                                     10.  1975 **
                                                                     11.  Sea  Again **
                                                                     12.  Clear  Skies
                                                                     13.  Rip  Tides
                                                                     14.  Daughter  Of  The  Sun
                                                                     15.  Ride
                                                                     16.  Surrounded

Just a little over a month to go,
now... YES !!

:D :D :D

EDIT:  inserted ABOVE in RED are all of the audio clips that've been auto-generated and provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises.

PLUS  the *5*OFFICIALLY*released*videos*

Justin Sullivan's second solo offering, "Surrounded",  Released: 2021-05-28
℗2021 Attack Attack Records Limited.  Under exclusive license to Edel Germany GmbH.  earMUSIC is a project of Edel.
Hope posting these links is ok, while many of us wait for our LP/CD orders to arrive.

A truly remarkable and beautiful album.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2021, 02:08:05 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


  • Obsessed
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Re: New Jstin Sullivan solo album announced on Facebook 19/12/20
« Reply #46 on: April 16, 2021, 05:40:13 PM »
Here is an aspect of this impending album that delights me: date of release is late spring/early summer!

look at the release dates going back to Carnival (recognizing that these are NMA albums)

Carnival 06/09/2005
High 20/08/2007
Today is a Good Day Sept 2009
Between Dog and Wolf 30/09/2013
Between Wine and Blood 05/09/2014
Winter 26/08/2016
From Here 23/08/2019

All late summer/early autumn!

Nothing wrong with that time of year, but I am really looking forward to enjoying this one all summer.

Also, what an unbelievable run of music that is represented above.  Wow

Well, it has been great to have new stuff from NMA to warm us when the winds turn cold... And frankly, I can't recall what time of the year it was that I first heard ''Navigating by the Stars'' but in my mind I strongly connect it with early autumn when the nights are still rather warm but getting so dark... maybe it was just the time of the year when I listened to it a lot  :)


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
For the very first time in my life, I caved.  Normally, I'd sit back and patiently wait for my order to get here first, before even thinking about listening to more than the released singles.  However, I just loved the first three so much, that I couldn't hold off any longer.  It will still be as special when my order gets here though.  I'll have the lyrics to soak-up, take in.  soft lol, I'm going things a bit backwards, but it's been a very surreal and weird two years.  Nothing has been anywhere near normal.

I've listened to the three singles; "Amundsen",  "Clean Horizon"  and only just a few days ago (up 'til this morning), "Unforgiven" (at least 100 times each).  As for the rest of the album, I've only heard it once, so far.  But I can tell you, that I love what I'm hearing lyrically and vocally, especially!  It wasn't what I was expecting, but I'm pleased to say that I am more than pleasantly surprised.

For starters, it's much, much softer and sweeter sounding than monumental  "Navigating by the Stars".  There's no "Ocean Rising"  equivalent on this record, well, in terms of immediacy, intensity, urgency.  The new album  "Surrounded"  is much more laid back and definitely (for the most part) much more summery-sounding, with regards to both vocal and musical execution, aural textures, and lyrics.  For me, "Navigating by the Stars" has more of an autumn / winter-ish kind of feel, vibe.  I love both seasons, both albums.  They're SO different, but good.  I'm glad  "Surrounded"  has had a mid-spring release because we can further explore, savour and enjoy it throughout the coming summer.

My favourite things so far are Mr. Sullivan's sweeter, softer, hushed vocals.  I love that he can be in your face, yet at times in your arms too, in equal measure.  I hope JS continues testing, messing around and playing with the limits of his voice and its vocal spectrum, levels of gradation, intensity and softness of his voice vocal projection / colours, etc.  Sorry articulation is definitely not my forte, but I hope that makes some kind of sense.

I love that Mr. Sullivan's holding longer notes, vocally, on this record.  I love the romanticism seeping into and out of most of the songs.  It's at times lyrically, quite unexpectedly, yet refreshingly and seriously, exhilaratingly sensual.  I was not expecting that, at all.  But I have to admit, it's beyond wonderful to hear JS go down those kind of paths again.  It's been far too long, I miss those kinds of songs of his.

With that, I'd like to send out a HUGE thank you to whomever it is out there in the world that has either encouraged Mr. Sullivan to go down that route, to go there, or inspires him in those kinds of highly conducive and rich, sacred ways, resplendently wakes up and recharges that beautiful integral part of him.  To say I love those moments in the songs is a complete understatement!  Whatever Mr. Sullivan thinks he might've had as a young man, Mr. Sullivan never lost it along the way.  I just wish JS was more sure of himself, comfortable with himself, in his own skin, in that department.  And no, I do not know him personally.  I'm just callin' it, feelin' it as I'm seein' it, hearin' it.  I don't know, but to me, it's as clear and transparent as daylight.  JS is absolutely lovely, really, even still.  Stay beautiful, where and how it matters most Mr. Sullivan and everything else will fall naturally into place.  You'll see.

I'm planning to come back to this thread, at some point, hopefully soon-ish.  I just really want to listen to the songs / album as a whole, in its entirety, on a proper stereo system.  Familiarising myself with the correct lyrics first, before going into any other specifics, about songs and other related details that have taken me in, about Mr. Sullivan's follow-up solo effort, "Surrounded".

Hope nothing gets lost in the mail.  Last night, I signed up for  no contact delivery  from DHL (ordered my bundles from Townsend).  Who knows what's going to happen.  I'm actually a bit nervous.  Cost me roughly $90.00 CDN in duty fees.  It'd kill me if they arrive damaged or worse yet, not at all. :-[

I hope I didn't piss anyone here off :-\ by including youtube links to all the songs / official videos from / off  "Surrounded"  (on a previous post here in this very thread).  If I have, I genuinely didn't mean to upset anyone, as today is the actual release date for streaming services as well.  Hope you all enjoy both of the albums, 'it's been a long, a long time coming'.  xx

Calling for rain all day today, here.  Hope it's nicer, better weather wherever you all are, today.   Stay safe people. :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


  • Totally Obsessed
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Re: New Jstin Sullivan solo album announced on Facebook 19/12/20
« Reply #48 on: May 28, 2021, 05:45:37 PM »
Great review 8!!

The wait for another Justin Sullivan solo album after the masterpiece "Navigating by the stars" has been almost unbearable...almost 20 years to wait, can you imagine??

As much as i love NMA, i was more curious and impatient to know if Justin, sooner or later, would deliver another solo album...because i still think that "Navigating by the stars" is Justin"s Gem among the gems! This album, like "Thunder and consolation" before, has a special place in my heart.

and now that "Surrounded" is released and that i've listened to it "only" 5 tracks for the moment, all i can say is that it was worth the wait!

"Sea again" is my favourite song for the moment, for the gorgeous melodies and endlessly moving voice that never fails to move me!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2021, 05:49:57 PM by Guillaume »


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Hope nothing gets lost in the mail.  Last night, I signed up for  no contact delivery  from DHL (ordered my bundles from Townsend).  Who knows what's going to happen.  I'm actually a bit nervous.  Cost me roughly $90.00 CDN in duty fees.  It'd kill me if they arrive damaged or worse yet, not at all. :-[

A small packet (must be the CDs)
with a beautiful and rather quite fitting (of the inner contents' contents)
FRAGLIE label just arrived sometime before 1pm this afternoon, TODAY, on a Sunday!! :D


it's gonna be...
'coming with me, coming with me,'
to bed,
'ALL of '  it.
smokin', soft, sweet, silent, stealthful lol. 8)
 ;) :P :D 8)

Ah, who the fcuk am I kidding, there'll be NO sleep tonight. ::)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 06:08:06 PM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂