I can't tell you how elated, happy I am that this beautiful person made a new album. And going solely on the strength of this one song, I know - without question or doubt -
it will not disappoint those who've grown to love and appreciate Mr. Sullivan's wonderful writing / work over the years.

Amundsen" definitely feels like a continuation of some of the themes, elements off his masterful, first solo effort
"Navigating By The Stars". That revelation intrigues and excites me most of all. I can hardly wait to listen to the new album,
'It's been a long, a long time coming, but I' knew it was 'gonna come'. Eighteen years. I love that number, too.
xxI'm not great at sussing out lyrics, by any means, but couldn't tear myself away from listening to "
Amundsen" since it first surfaced. So I thought I'd give it a go, seeing as today there seemed to be a fair amount of quiet time for me to actually attempt it. Besides, no voice on this beautiful earth comforts me, to the extent and degree that this one's does. No one.
I just wish I knew why though, but I honestly don't. I only know that it does and pray that it always will. It's the littlest things in life that have biggest impact on one's soul, leave the deepest imprint on one's heart and most vivid, bright and illuminating impression on and in one's mind. I live for those sorts of things. They are absolute truth and treasure to me. Always have been and always shall remain. I wish everyone had sight. Ohhh, 'GOD', why do they sleep? Why does the world sleep? Why? 
Without further ado or babbling, here's the result of my attempt at deciphering the lyrics to "
Amundsen". If anyone spots any errors, please jump in here and correct them for me? Thanking you in advance.

P.S. The video is just as haunting, melancholy, heavy and completely compelling as the song itself. Hats off to whomever put it together.
Mr. White, was that you? Extremely well done, as well... whomever the person.
AmundsenThis is what I've learned...
Never trust in the ice.
Never trust in the wind.
Never trust in people.
Make good preparations.
It's only the dogs that are faithful.
Long ago, I learned how to sail.
I felt the currents moving.
How the ocean stirs,
Like a great creature dreaming.
And I learned how to fly,
Over the ice floes.
Where often I journeyed.
Always, it called me.
First they will welcome you home.
There'll be cheering crowds
And the putting up of statues.
And slowly the people will turn.
There'll be whispers and money,
Then they will mock you.
Time to be gone.
Time to be gone.
My rival is dead.
They found him the following Spring.
Just two companions.
There at the end,
In a little lost tent,
Buried, deep in the snow.
His hands are like ice.
His fingers are frozen.
But still they come stretching,
To steal the story.
Into all of my dreaming.
So, first they will welcome you home.
There'll be cheering crowds,
And the putting up of statues.
And slowly the people will turn.
There'll be whispers and money.
And soon they will mock you.
Time to be gone.
Time to be gone.I hope that we will have to listen to one or two others songs until the release of the album in late May! 
I wish this as well, Guillaume.

I think two more songs before the 28th of May is fair, no? If not then how about a teaser video, like NMA's done for several of their albums, thus far? I love that idea and each of the NMA album sampler videos were fantastic! Please? Ohhh, please? Please? Please?