Just ordered a copy. When you regard the good price of the dvd itself, then the postage with almost half the price extra seems and is big, but i'm totally fine with paying 15 pounds for this whole thing.
2-3 times the whole price for shipping it to belgium would be really too much. If Willard is paying 30$ for shipping it to USA. Are you sure?
But anyway.. it would be great to have the option to buy it at gigs..!!!
It depends, and is not very clear. I think as long as the parcel is less than €22, there will be no customs formalities, which would be the case here. As soon as Belgian Post needs to handle customs, there is a forfait of €24 just for custom formalities, and then added VAT. (
So say I'd want to buy this (which is the case):
https://shop.newmodelarmy.org/music/physical/vinyl/product/254-vengeance-%E2%80%93-the-whole-story-vinyl-limited-editionShipping included:
ubtotal £ 21.00
Shipping £ 11.75
VAT £ 3.50
Total £ 32.75
Equals €38, which means €24 handling and 21% VAT. So the mail woman will ring my doorbell requesting €24+€7,98, or €31,98 before I receive my parcel.
So going from a €25 record, I end up with a total bill of €69,98. Now I'd really like to order that record, but ouch.
So looking into it, this DVD is probably different, as it's cheaper than €22.
But I read things are changing again on July 1st as well. It will then depend on whether New Model Army store is a Registered Webshop:
https://www.bpost.be/en/shopping-outside-euIf it's not, this DVD can cost up to €27, which again is 2-3 the price.
In summary: it's such a cluster**** now after Brexit, and very unclear. And while I have the deepest respect for my mail woman, having to shed out €30+ in customs never is a nice surprise.