Having to go back to that dangerous and unfortunate situation, with somebody very evil pointing a gun to my head and telling me, that now i will have to live alone in this dark cellar until i die and i have to choose between NBTS and Surrounded...i will now decide not to choose anything! I will instead look him in the eye and say: "you're evil. and stupid. and i won't listen to you and you cannot threaten me. i would rather die than have to choose."
and then i would point at the sky behind him and shout: " look, there's a flying corona virus in the air behind you.

" and when he turns around to have a look, i would disarm him and tell him to fkc off!
To me right now, Surrounded is a wonderful album, but it is way bigger than NBTS. As Henning said: "With 16 songs it's quite a lot to listen to and to take in." and i know myself and i know the works of this artist and i just know that my perception of the album will change with time. It will grow, i will discover things in it, i will get a better understanding of the lyrics, the moods and that's what i've learned to love about everything NMA and Justin have done. Hell i even know that songs which i didn't like at first changed into favourite ones over time.
I wish i could have a long train-travel, to look out of the window with Surrounded on headphones. I love that moving feeling while listening to music.
There were some immediate things that instantly got me one of those things were the violins on Unforgiven. Don't get me wrong, the whole album was an immediate love, but i know it will grow..
And while i was listening for the first time to it, the violins on Unforgiven were like "damn, i just love those violin play." Like a special effect in a movie, that you will remember when you get out of the cinema, an effect that told a story itself and added to the movie.
I wanted to point that out because Henning is reading here and just wanted to say: "damn, i love that violin sounds you've played and the way you played them"
And then i have a question. I didn't hear any percussion on it!? Do you hear percussions in that song? Am i deaf? ;-)