Author Topic: 22nd May JS setlist: Kammgarn, Schaffhausen, Switzerland 2022...  (Read 499 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Posts: 1312
  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Justin Sullivan Surrounded Tour (solo)
Kammgarn, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
22nd May 2022

  1. Maps
  2. Changing of the Light
  3. Amundsen
  4. Coming With Me
  5. Unforgiven
  6. 28th may
  7. No Greater Love
  8. Rip Tides
  9. Strogoula
10. Marrakesh
11. Over the Wire
12. Clean Horizon
13. Stone and Heather
14. Where I Am
15. Passing Through
16. You Weren't There
17. Fate
18. Eyes Get Used to the Darkness

19. Ballad of Bodmin Pill
20. Snelsmore Wood

Fascinating setlist  "Note:  'Bad Old World'
                                       'The Attack'
                                       'Stoned, Fired and Full of Grace'  &
                                       'Headlights'... were all on the written setlist, but not played."

I'm praying that all of these super-rare solo JS shows are being officially recorded with intention(s) of not-too-distant future CD/LP release.  Our music collections are in need of a proper, legitimate, completely solo Justin Sullivan double live album.  I'd go for that, in a heartbeat, I would!!  And, I'm positive I'm not the only one who would, either. 8)

All setlist details and notes courtesy of's  PatLu  and  gingerkk.

If anyone spots any videos from this solo JS gig, please take a moment to post links?
Thanking whomever does so, here, in advance... cheers!

Enjoy the shows, everyone. :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


  • Obsessed
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  • Posts: 251


  • Totally Obsessed
  • *****
  • Posts: 1312
  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Photos of JS at Kammgarn, Schaffhausen, Switzerland May 22nd 2022.
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2022, 10:08:04 AM »
Pictures from the gig:

wWoWw!! :D  I am incredibly thankful for your post(s) and contribution to this sacred space / forum, Sam37! :)

The lighting in this set of Justin Sullivan photographs is as strikingly beautiful and as gorgeous as the very subject himself --- especially that third photo, and that last one of the set, where the cascading white light seems to wash over / surround(s) JS.  Those two most sweet and tender pictures of Justin cradling and playing his harp (harmonica) are extraordinarily superb / dreamy, as well. ::)

So wonderful to see that the majority of the sHOTs of Justin are in colour.  In my view, colour photography (in most cases), allows one to better appreciate and absorb the mood, vibe, vitality, quality, tone, vividness, atmosphere and overall ambiance of the moment, of the live performance, of the setting itself. :)

Always an uplifting sight for heavy, sore eyes... and an exquisite, astonishing, stunning specimen through and through! 8)

Absolutely LOVE 'em! :D
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂