It was a great night, although the background chatters were quite annoying.
I wonder, whether they blabber in a theatre, an opera or during a movie also that loud.
Hello MaoLee,

Yeah, I honestly don't understand chatterers. They ought to show some kindness and due respect to the artists that they've
(hopefully) paid to see by keeping quiet during the
entire live performance
(s) / event
(s). If they have to, then, they should hold off on drinking alcohol if they themselves are fully aware and know that it will cause them to be disrespectful, rude and or loud. People shouldn't use drinking alcohol as an excuse to be an annoying ass / arse / jerk. They ought to do the right thing and just take their conversation
(s) outdoors or go elsewhere altogether, if their chat
(s) is more important to them than the artist's words, stories, music, love, passion, effort, time, and the gig itself. I feel that folk owe it to the artist
(s) especially, but also owe it to their fellow event attendees as well. Just my two cents worth on the subject --- the annoyance and rudeness of disrespectful loud talkers at quieter gigs and events.
Thankfully, I haven't yet come across this problem during a concert, though I continually have, while being out watching films. Truly wonderful things, are matinée / daytime screenings! Should have similar time slots for all quieter concert gigs and events, I say!! I know, I know... sad lol, I'm in the minority in this thought / opinion --- non-symphonic afternoon concerts --- like what are the chances of them ever happening! Oh, well. Someday. One day. Maybe? I'll live in hope... and dreams. 
I was a bit worried about that (I saw the show in Rubigen, Swirtzerland last Tuesday) but the whole audience was spellbound and there was absolute full attention to the music from everyone...
Greetings LukeOne,

So great to hear this! Kudos to every audience member in attendance at Mr.
Sullivan's Rubigen gig!

If I was a bit worried beforehand it was because I remember seeing Justin Sullivan & Friends
in Christiania, Copenhagen back in 2003 and there was quite a bit of chatter at the bar.
At first, JS said
"There are plenty of other bars here at Christiania
if you want to chat, I'll refund your tickets"...
and a bit later he walked off the stage, over to the bar and then the matter was resolved.
Not sure if he threw them out personally? Either way, it was a memorable show,...
I certainly hope Mr.
Sullivan did embarrass the chatterers and firmly put them in their place --- had them swiftly
tossed-out of the venue, himself! If so, good on
JS!! one point this girl (very stoned) walked up on the stage and tried to give Justin a huge stack of CD's...
Huh-what? During the concert? Totally confused. LukeOne, please elaborate? What's that old gig's full, interesting story?

"Wherever she got her weed from... don't go there." Ah... memories...
Whoa-OUCH!! What an embarrassing burn!!

Question is... did Mr.
Sullivan really say those words,
that line?
To who / whom? And when? Aloud to the audience? To you / someone nearby?
If it isn't too rude or much of a hassle to ask, LukeOne, please clarify the
F recollection?