it‘s been a while since i have posted here and after the berlin shows i knew that i wanted to write and share some words here, but also wanted to take some time for it..
For me it was like a resurrection event...i haven‘t been out to a concert in more than two years, i haven‘t been out anyway anywhere much, the cards for the gigs were hanging all the time on my noticeboard and over the past i kind of forgot about it. And there were these thoughts and fears and worrys about what if the concert is going to happen, but in the full restriction mode, like having to be vaccinated or tested to attend.. then i couldn‘t and wouldn‘t go for it…
But then it was there and i only planned to go like a month before, booking the hotel, taking time off of work...and now after a week i feel so relieved, still energized by the concerts, the passion, the emotions, the singing, dancing, meeting people, talking...i‘m so glad, that i am a new model army fan ;-)
So when the first tunes started in the tempodrom, the first notes were played i just couldn‘t help to get so overwhelmed by the moment, the emotions, my personal history and tears just started to flow..the tears of excitement, beauty, supressed things from inside just wanting to get out, the atmosphere was reaching for them..
It was beautiful, fantastic, totally not perfect and experimental and therefore the was surprising, astonishing, a work in progress to watch and observe, intense and the tears from the beginning shouldn‘t be the last ones that evening for me…
And then the old school so36 concert...starting with bittersweet! what a carthatic tribal happening, could almost say as always, but to be there in the crowd, naked sweating people, dancing, singing, pogo and a hell lot of bright smiles on the faces everywhere..the best and healthy way to deal with that fkcn p(l)andemic..
thank you jack, steve, mark for the warm welcome and nice words, it was just too little time i felt and thank you everyone who smiled back at me and thank you new model army for still being there and all the great music and poetry, which has become such a good heartfelt part of my life.
Straight on for the days ahead..