Author Topic: Berlin weekend  (Read 1291 times)

Sarah LA3

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Berlin weekend
« on: July 14, 2022, 06:49:22 PM »
Wishing I was there, it looks like it's going to be amazing and a very special occasion and I'm so happy to hear it's being filmed.

Good luck guys (you've more than got this 👍)

And to everyone who can get there enjoy every moment.


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Re: Berlin weekend
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2022, 03:58:54 PM »
So gutted. Caught Corona a couple of days ago and cannot attend  :( Have really been looking forward to the weekend. But at least, symptoms are mild... Enjoy the concert tonight and the two shows at SO36 - my favorite location in Berlin. Stay safe!

Sarah LA3

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Re: Berlin weekend
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2022, 04:47:49 PM »
I managed to see a bit of footage of Friday nights philharmonic show and it gave me goose bumps WOW.

I hope everyone who was lucky enough to be there had a wonderful time. I can't wait to see the official recording, something to luck forward to.

To anyone reading this who is gigging in Germany or anywhere that is super hot stay cool and safe in this heatwave  🥰


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Re: Berlin weekend
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2022, 07:01:48 PM »
A bit sad to see that no one has commented on these shows here yet. I guess we're all rotting in Facebook hell these days.

The shows were amazing and really went from one extreme to the other - in the best way.

The Tempodrom show with Sinfonia Leipzig was one of my best concert experiences ever. Even my partner - who is a bit ambivalent when it comes to NMA- agreed that it was a fantastic event. Interesting song choices, too. There were so many highlights that it would be easier to pick out the few bits that didn't work as well but I don't want to say anything negative about such an amazing experience. The Marry the Sea/Ocean Rising pairing was certainly a standout moment for me. Shot 18 was probably the biggest surprise of the evening. Too Close to the Sun was awesome, Ballad was beautiful and I loved hearing Did You Make It Safe which is a favourite of mine. Purity and Vagabonds were even more amazing than I expected them to be and the version of Green and Grey was the best I've ever heard. There has been much deserved praise on social media but one thing that deserves another mention are the lights which were absolutely stunning.

The SO36 shows were just as amazing but couldn't have been more different from the previous night. Sadly, I could only attend
on Saturday night but two shows is much better than the zero shows that I was expecting to make. Saturday's setlist was pretty much perfect. It was bloody hot though! Bitterwsweet, Ambition, Betcha... so many classics that took me right back to the 80s. A nostalgia show of sorts but not in a very nostalgic way if that makes sense. It was great!

And finally a salute to Berlin. Such a wonderful city with an overwhelming amount of (mostly terrifying) history everywhere.

A big thank you to everyone who made this happen. It was immense. I'm full of gratitude, Berliner Kindl and Currywurst!

For those wise enough to stay away from social media, here is the first half of the Tempodrom show:


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Re: Berlin weekend
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2022, 12:34:47 PM »
Ah, I've been wondering as well and meaning to write something...

Yes, the Tempodrom Show was amazing (I couldn't make any of the other shows, sadly). I found the drums a bit owerpowering at times in the first half, but that might have been due to the fact that I was on the right side of the auditorium (the drum side, so to speak). The arrangements worked really, really well, hard to pick out the best bits. Purity has always been a favorite of mine and here it was just perfect - great moments when everybody was singing. Green and Grey was very reduced with just a few members of the audience - stunning.

Thanks a lot to everyone, can't wait for the DVD release (also to see the SO36 gigs, the playlist is really promising)

Edit: thanks for the link!
« Last Edit: July 22, 2022, 03:21:59 PM by flodhaest »


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Re: Berlin weekend
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2022, 04:04:30 PM »
it‘s been a while since i have posted here and after the berlin shows i knew that i wanted to write and share some words here, but also wanted to take some time for it..

For me it was like a resurrection event...i haven‘t been out to a concert in more than two years, i haven‘t been out anyway anywhere much, the cards for the gigs were hanging all the time on my noticeboard and over the past i kind of forgot about it.  And there were these thoughts and fears and worrys about what if the concert is going to happen, but in the full restriction mode, like having to be vaccinated or tested to attend.. then i couldn‘t and wouldn‘t go for it…

But then it was there and i only planned to go like a month before, booking the hotel, taking time off of work...and now after a week i feel so relieved, still energized by the concerts, the passion, the emotions, the singing, dancing, meeting people, talking...i‘m so glad, that i am a new model army fan ;-)

So when the first tunes started in the tempodrom, the first notes were played i just couldn‘t help to get so overwhelmed by the moment, the emotions, my personal history and tears just started to flow..the tears of excitement, beauty, supressed things from inside just wanting to get out, the atmosphere was reaching for them..
It was beautiful, fantastic, totally not perfect and experimental and therefore the was surprising, astonishing, a work in progress to watch and observe, intense and the tears from the beginning shouldn‘t be the last ones that evening for me…

And then the old school so36 concert...starting with bittersweet! what a carthatic tribal happening, could almost say as always, but to be there in the crowd, naked sweating people, dancing, singing, pogo and a hell lot of bright smiles on the faces everywhere..the best and healthy way to deal with that fkcn p(l)andemic..

thank you jack, steve, mark for the warm welcome and nice words, it was just too little time i felt and thank you everyone who smiled back at me and thank you new model army for still being there and all the great music and poetry, which has become such a good heartfelt part of my life.

Straight on for the days ahead..

ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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Re: Berlin weekend
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2022, 04:44:40 PM »
It was good to see you Klaus, NMA is much more than a band, they bring people together. It is a small oasis where you can forget everything for a short while and just enjoy and be free.

Hope to see you soon.

