I would add, and with maximum respect for one of the best lyricist ever (with Shane Mc Gowan ?

), that some songs lyrics, since BD&W, seems, to me, unfinished, don't quite fall in place (don't know if I'm clear

For examples, I would say "it could be mountains, it could be stormclouds" line seems always out of place to me, sounding weird in my ears, most of Knievel lyrics too, in "where I am" when he sing "come baaaaack" I always here "kumbayaaaaa" and it feels strange (my whole family, even the kids, makes fun of me about this kumbaya thing but I can't unhear it !), and some other songs.
Maps/Setting Sun/From Here is one of the best sequence I've heard on an album, so beautiful, and lyrics are amazing, Die Trying bring tears in my eyes a.s.o. ... so with the amount of albums, during more than 40 years, I'd say it's absolutely incredible how many great songs (anthems ?), with beautiful, moving and/or straight to the guts lyrics they have done, are doing, and probably will still do

As always, I'll wait with impatience for the next album, and the magic moment that it is to play it for the first time