As expected, super-wild show at Hamburg Markthalle. Band and crowd gave all they had. 23 songs after the band came back three times!!!
Betcha and then Vengeance were totally unexpected. A perfect ending of our tour. 😇
Holy fcuk!!

The guys came back for an encore
not once,
not twice, but you're telling me THREE times? !!!

Damn, you lot were lucky! I've never come across that happening before, backtracking through old NMA sets up at That's so fcukin' awesome, terrific! I can imagine what a massive, intense thrill that must've been! I'm beaming just by reading the songs that made the setlist, so much so that it hurts, lol --
hurts so good.
Not only did you and the Hamburg crowd have the pleasure of hearing some of my personal favourites -- among them, "
Before I Get Old" and "
Born Feral" -- you guys were gifted the even rarer blessing / treasure of
"Living in The Rose", too!

Man, would I
love to take in that one live
somehow, somewhere, someday -- in person.
I probably won't ever get to see / hear that sacred song, living here, on the wrong side of the earth. Yet still, I'll keep praying that NMA, JS&DW, or at the very least Mr. Sullivan on his own, can somehow manage to swing some sort of tour over this way, with a decent number of dates in Canada. O Lord, sometime within the next 2 or 3 years? Until then, I'll lay back, close my eyes and quietly dream about it. I'll live through fellow NMA/JS devotees, and all of their (your) most kind, wonderful, generous and genuinely cherished, shared recollections, thoughts, experiences, stories -- posts. 
NMA/JS should do a love songs tour!! sad soft broken lol,
I'm likely the only nut in this bunch who strongly feels so. 

Markthalle Hamburg set...
1. Christian Militia
2. Lust for Power
3. Never Arriving
4. Here Comes the War
5. Believe It
6. 1984
7. The Charge
8. Devil's Bargain
9. Maps
10. Where I Am
11. Angry Planet
12. Born Feral
13. Before I Get Old
Vagabonds15. The Hunt
16. Fate
17. Ballad of Bodmin Pill
encore:18. Living in the Rose
19. No Rest
20. I Love the World
encore 2:21. Betcha
encore 3:22. Poison Street
23. Vengeance
Live clip courtesy of YouTube's Martin Südbeck.
Hamburg, wow!
warm lol... short, sweet and pretty much, near speechless. Cheers for posting, JC

& Lupus225
Thanks for adding something bright and positive to this space, this place. It has eased the sadness of not having been at the show, watching and listening in the crowd, live, there, myself. Hope the weather / day has been good. Happy gigging, resting, and repeating to all.