Hello, have you registered with the twickets site? There was a couple on there a few days ago. But they will notify you once you register as tickets become available. If you are not familiar with twickets its a resale site for fans. Tickets are face value plus a small admin fee. Hope this helps.
Good luck
Dave worthington
Hi Dave... firstly, thank you for this reply. Secondly, apologies for not having followed up on it sooner. I do appreciate it. In the end I was able to get the tickets I needed from fellow fans with the help of another friend/fan of the band. All worked out in the end due to the kindness of others (like yourself). It was a wonderful show, as always (and my first seeing them in the UK (saw them in Dublin last year and several times in the US when they used to tour here). Pretty amazing.
Side note, I did sign up for the notifications on the ticket sites for additional releases of tickets and while I saw other note that there were tickets released, I never did see an email about it. Would definitely keep that in mind in the future and not reply on this, Connecting with people here directly certainly seems for productive. Thanks again to everyone!