Just popping back in here to say that the Wolverhampton gig was superb. A bit undersold, perhaps? I was about half way back (can't manage a moshpit these days!) and there was an awful lot of free space around me. And you're right, it was like seeing a gig in the chilled food aisle at ASDA, this current trend of massive aircon pumped in throughout the gig is just awful.
Agree with you about Amy Montgomery, she and her band were the best support act I've seen in many a long year. I've been checking out her stuff online, very good indeed, I hope she achieves some big time success. I see she's playing a gig in Manchester in June, might have to try and make that one.
Something I'll add... I felt the same at this gig as I did in Nottingham last December and that's I don't recognize anyone around the gigs anymore. I'm not just talking about people I used to meet up at pre / post gigs meets, just those familiar faces even if I didn't know who they were. I think I might have seen jc at a couple of points on someone's shoulders a lot nearer the front than I was? Maybe everyone's gotten a lot older (I certainly have!) or going to a gig is something that a lot of the old faces don't do anymore? Just a thought.
Anyway, great gig.