i remember looking at my mate,and my mate Beaming back at me as we both heard4THE 1ST TIME the twanging Bass of Vengance,,AWSUM,,we knew instantly that we were hearing something that would HONESTLY change our Pathway through LIFE,,, that album at that time Changed Everything,,4 the BETTER,, i cant remember playing any other album SO MUCH and experiancing the hair on my neck Tingling EVERY TIME i played it,,,,that STILL happens Now,, the gig came a few weeks later and must admit i remember Moaning about the OVER price bristol bierkeller were asking2see this New Model Army band,,, TWO POUND FIFTY hahaha,,, YES, TWO POUND FIFTY,,, that gig was,life changing, fantastic, bloody Scarey2,, ,,thank you phil who gave me VENGANCE the album,, thank you NEWMODELARMY 4 playing Bristol bierkeller on the 6th nov 1984,,im at more NMA gigs now than Ever and hand on heart loving it MORE now than ever2,,, justin sullivan IS RIGHT,,the older you get,,,the BETTER IT GETS,,,,, See you all again somewhere soon eh,,love and Peace,,BLUE.......