Author Topic: First NMA Experience  (Read 59010 times)


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #210 on: December 31, 2011, 12:49:27 AM »
Been posting for a few years now but never properly introduced myself. Good place to start this.

First saw them at Reading 89 as an 18 year old and was immediately hooked...started following and have been on most tours for at least one night ever since. Quite a shy bloke so never said much to the "family" although I'm always in the pit and have shared all the love, bruises, cuts, knackered wrists and knackerd fingers.

Must do better and say hello to forum family...if i know what you look like....

I wouldn't say boo to a goose. I'm not a coward, I just realise that it would be largely pointless.


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #211 on: March 30, 2012, 09:38:02 AM »
It was in 1992. I was a skater then. My best friend bought a video: "Feasters", from the Birdhouse team. The music chosen by a skater whose name was Willy Santos for his part was "Get me out"(1). We really liked this song, but I did not intend to go further, until this friend bought "Thunder and consolation" and "Impurity" a few weeks later. Suddenly, as I listened to both whole albums with attention, this music, these lyrics, these feelings caught me with them forever -- I think! ::)

(1) (the sound is very low and absolutely aweful...)


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #212 on: April 02, 2012, 11:36:44 PM »
hi Robinairo dont be shy the forum family are a friendly lot just make yourself cant miss me at gigs just look for a bald head not that there is many of them lol and im only 5ft tall so you my have to look down.hope to see you at one of the up coming gigs


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #213 on: April 03, 2012, 12:28:43 PM »
cheers Patrick..I'll say hello to all next time....
I wouldn't say boo to a goose. I'm not a coward, I just realise that it would be largely pointless.


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #214 on: May 27, 2012, 10:36:30 PM »
hi Robinairo dont be shy the forum family are a friendly lot just make yourself cant miss me at gigs just look for a bald head not that there is many of them lol and im only 5ft tall so you my have to look down.hope to see you at one of the up coming gigs
This is true.............. "diminutive" I believe is the term? But a very fine upstanding if short fellow none the less!  ;D
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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #215 on: May 31, 2012, 11:15:07 PM »
hi Robinairo dont be shy the forum family are a friendly lot just make yourself cant miss me at gigs just look for a bald head not that there is many of them lol and im only 5ft tall so you my have to look down.hope to see you at one of the up coming gigs
This is true.............. "diminutive" I believe is the term? But a very fine upstanding if short fellow none the less!  ;D
well thank you mr stone your not a bad chap yourself


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #216 on: June 07, 2012, 08:39:10 PM »
This is my first post on this forum so I suppose this thread is the right place to start.
  I discovered NMA about 5 years ago and now can not imagine my life before NMA. I have yet to see them live but am working hard on saving up to afford a flight to the U.K. 
The first song I heard was Vagabonds. I discovered it on the internet of all places and fell in love with iimmediatelyey as well as Justin's's vocals.
After that I bought "Thunder and Consolation" and was amazed.I then bought all the NMA albums and listened obsessively. I have been a music fan for about 22 years (most of my life) and have yet to find a band that even compares to NMA. I wish they would play America more often. That has to be the most uninteresting story on this thread but it's  true.

 I have also noticed through intenet social networking sites  that NMA seem to have very kind and intelligent fans.
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #217 on: June 07, 2012, 10:28:35 PM »
Welcome Artrat,

we don't all bite, hope to bump in to you one day at a gig.




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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #218 on: June 08, 2012, 09:10:23 PM »
May be flying over for the Nottingham gig. ;D
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #219 on: June 09, 2012, 10:54:47 AM »
May be flying over for the Nottingham gig. ;D

*Ahem!* May?   ;D


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #220 on: June 09, 2012, 05:54:24 PM »
This is my first post on this forum so I suppose this thread is the right place to start.
  I discovered NMA about 5 years ago and now can not imagine my life before NMA. I have yet to see them live but am working hard on saving up to afford a flight to the U.K. 
The first song I heard was Vagabonds. I discovered it on the internet of all places and fell in love with iimmediatelyey as well as Justin's's vocals.
After that I bought "Thunder and Consolation" and was amazed.I then bought all the NMA albums and listened obsessively. I have been a music fan for about 22 years (most of my life) and have yet to find a band that even compares to NMA. I wish they would play America more often. That has to be the most uninteresting story on this thread but it's  true.

 I have also noticed through intenet social networking sites  that NMA seem to have very kind and intelligent fans.

Welcome to the Forum Artrat - hope you manage to get to the UK - Rock City on 22/12/12 would be a great first gig!

Fine choice of band to follow  ;) ;)
.                                                                               I'm just a country mile behind the world...

rick a.

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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #221 on: June 11, 2012, 07:43:49 PM »
When the "Ghost of cain" was released,I statred hearing "the hunt" on local radio and shortly after the band came to Boston. I was there and still am there whenever I have the opportunity.
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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #222 on: June 13, 2012, 09:22:17 PM »
New Model Army is the only good thing that came out of me dating a girl named Tammy St. Jean.

It was the mid-90s, and I was dating TSJ for a few months.  I had begun hanging out at the local goth/punk bar at around the same time, and I started hearing the name New Model Army being thrown around by the older punks and assorted people that scared me, but I still really wanted to emulate.  TSJ even would talk about them as "this band that I really like, but no one's really heard of," in a rather annoying, self-righteous, embarrassing "I'm a cosmic miracle" kind of way, but I managed to become curious about the band nonetheless. 

The only album she ended up owning was the first album I ever heard.  It was Thunder And Consolation.  I borrowed it from her, and as soon as I heard "225," that was it.  I was hooked.

About two weeks later, I found out that she was cheating on me, and had been the entire time I was with her.  As I was packing my stuff from her place, I stole her only New Model Army album.  I still don't feel bad about it. 
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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #223 on: June 13, 2012, 11:25:43 PM »
Good move Xombie my brother! No one likes a cheater mate........ Who'da thought you'd end up on my shoulders in October last year in Middlesborough with a smile wider than the Potomac!!!!!!!! =)
Hope yer good matey!!!!!!!!
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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #224 on: June 14, 2012, 04:29:21 PM »
Around 1990 when I was about 12 I heard inheritance coming from my brothers room and I guess that was it for me, hooked ever since.
The first cd I bought was Vengeance, I still got it but it's become a see through disc that hardly plays anymore.