Just adding my first NMA experience...
(TLDR: Salford Uni 1991 - borrowed T&C off a mate)
I was in my first year at Salford Uni in 1991 and my music guru mate Jon lent me T&C after I spotted it in his record collection and thought "New Model Army is a great name for a band, I want to hear that". I'd never heard of them until that point. I loved it on first listen and was well pleased to discover they'd released previous records. Being a record-head at the time I quickly bought the vinyl of No Rest, Ghost of Cain, Impurity, Radio Sessions, Raw Melody Men, The Price ep plus some 12" singles and a couple of 10" singles (for the b sides) - I couldn't believe how they were all different but I loved them all. (For some reason I've never bought Vengeance...).
NMA are not really typical of the music I like / have liked - I've moved through The Smiths, Shoegaze, Beatles / Lennon, EDM, Brtipop etc, etc ... but NMA have also been there, in their own category, special to me.