Author Topic: First NMA Experience  (Read 58952 times)


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #45 on: November 30, 2009, 07:17:21 PM »

I then borrowed the videos from a well known (in Plymouth) alternative DJ and never really looked back...

ooh, Mark Williams? Tony? I look back on the Plymouth alternative clubs with a lot of fondness - heard a load of great stuff for the first time there (and now have a Club Zoo Classics playlist on iTunes)

what's that? New Model who? Oh them, yeah.
 What to say? I'm a 37 year old bloke, but end up sounding like an excitable schoolgirl when I talk about this band. No one else has ever come close to having the same impact on me (although Nobody Else were quite good, as I recall ;) ). The only artist I've listened to for as long is Springsteen, but even he hasn't influenced the way I live my life and the way I look at things in the same fashion NMA have.
My first real memory is buying T&C on cassette from Rival Records in Plymouth in 1989 with some Christmas money, inspired by the hit singles off the album. I remember listening to it endlessly on my walkman on the school bus through Devonport. Impurity was the first one I bought on release day, and I've done the same with every one since.

My first gig was Chippenham Goldiggers in Dec 1991. I remember driving back to Plymouth at a snail's pace through thick fog, still amazed at what I'd just seen.  Did a few gigs on the Hopeless Causes tour (Leicester, Cambridge off the top of my head). The years after that were kind of wilderness years for the band, I suppose, but in a funny way it's that period between LOHC and SB that really sealed my love for them, and made me reaiise that I was in this for life. It was the excitement of odd one off gigs in out of the way places and the need to get to them that stands out from this time. I remember going to Buckley Tivoli, the SBE Newbury gig a few people have mentioned, somewhere in Hatfield, the Josephs Well gig that was Michael's first, and the Cooperage show (sorry, fatcat)...listening to the songs that'd come out on SB as they made their earliest appearances, knowing even years before the album was finally released that No Pain was one of the best things the band had ever done, hearing Rainy Night 65 for the first time in Buckley, still being amazed to this day that Brother wasn't on the album (but then one of the standout tracks from that first Chippenham show was Knife, so I shouldn't have been surprised).

I was around for a few more gigs on the Eight tour, including a memorable night in Manchester where Justin missed his cue for a verse of Stranger, so Nelson took over. The song finished, and a clearly pissed off Justin announced they were going to play it again - that next rendition had teeth, ladies and gentlemen. Real life took over for a bit after that as I moved to Dublin for a couple of years, coinciding exactly with the time that NMA didn't play in Ireland, although I did see a cracking Justin & Friends gig in Whelans. Not long after that I went properly overseas, to Japan, with just one show on the Carnival tour under my belt. I think this may be why High is not one of my favourite records - I didn't see any gigs around release, and there weren't a lot of people in my circle out there i could get excited about it with. I kept listening though.

 I came back to the UK early last year, and have settled in Bristol for the time being, where I saw the Justin solo show at The Thunderbolt this summer, and made it down to Frome for Tommystock. I'd say the fire has been rekindled, especially off the back of TIAGD being such a good album, but you know what?
It never went out.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2009, 07:19:37 PM by maggieloveshopey »
There's only one thing left for me to do. I'm gonna ding a ding ding my ding a lang ling long


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2009, 09:47:58 PM »
a mate of mine who got me into most of the bands around that time told me about NMA, so got Bittersweet with the flexi (still in mint condition), and thought, yep , like em! First saw them live at Futurama 5, Leeds Queens Hall in Sept '83, and the live bands that played that day were NMA, Play Dead, Death Cult, with Killing Joke headlining what a line up! Have stayed with the band ever since, and consider myself lucky to be part of an era when these
bands were starting out, they were different to anything else out there, and they have stood the test of time. Happy Days........!


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #47 on: December 01, 2009, 06:51:27 PM »
I saw them for the first time at the Futurama festival in Leeds 83 as well!
I'd gone to see Death Cult and came away with a new band to love!


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #48 on: December 02, 2009, 01:40:36 AM »
This is my first post & it is wondeful to read all the first experiences from you guys of my time!I'm now 42 & I saw NMA when I was 16 in 1984 at Tiffanys in Newcastle.I never looked back.
The 'Militia' was still small then although very concentrated in their passion for the band & of course the ropehauling in the early days was outstanding!!!
I always felt in the early days that the followers did dominate the gigs where as now i feel it is much more of a shared experience.Who followed & on which tours????Were the halceon days 89 with 300 Militia & kitbags to the roof or is it now?What do you think.I do miss the bare topped pony tailed clogged up (Thanks Walkleys) ropehauling days but enjoy a bit of a back seat these days.Manchester just passed was a great gig & the passion say of 85-89 was there for me.Long may it last!!!!!!!Keep clog dancing.peace.


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #49 on: December 02, 2009, 12:02:34 PM »
New Model Army struck me when I was 10 years old, back in 1989. I asked my mother to make a New Model Army mixtape from her records for my walkman :)


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #50 on: December 02, 2009, 10:30:02 PM »
I was 16 back in '92 and really liked the Levellers, who wasn't back then, and I read somewhere that they were influenced by NMA. Not having much money and since it was nearly christmas time, I suggested to my sister to get me T&C as a present. And she did...wooooooooooowwww I was immediatly hooked. And I still am, 17 years later, and every year it just seems to get worse :-)

But I got to see NMA live for the first time in '98 ("strange brotherhood"-tour) in Brussels, but ooooh what a night or better what a day. My best friend managed to get "a meet and greet" for my birthday. He just wrote to the venue and we were already granted access to the venue at noon... so I got to see the complete soundcheck in the afternoon (I was the only one there in the middle of the room), could chit chat with everyone before the gig. Well I really don't know if they really understood my broken english and plus I was acting like a real dumb 16-year-old groupie around them and just forgot to talk about real serious things. Anyhow after the gig we got invited backstage to have a beer and talked about "African Eskimo's", dreams/hopes and activism with Justin. :-)

And, btw Justin (if you also read this), I still tell that story about "the African kid who became an Eskimo" sometimes to the kids I work with at camp or at the children's library,... well, I might have changed a few bits (made it more simple), but hey, it's still about following your dreams and never losing hope and faith ;-)
I hope that they will someday also pass this story on...

And while I'm writing this, and remember it all, I really ask myself if the band knew they were going to be bugged by my that day, if they really understood me (probably not but were just being polite to really say), if .....

Hope I didn't make to many jealous, but I think this was a once in a lifetime and life changing thing, for me ;-)

So yes, my first real live expierence with NMA, was actually a soundcheck ;-)


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #51 on: December 03, 2009, 09:14:44 AM »
I was in a pub in Sunderland and White Coats came on the jukebox (for younger readers, a jukebox is - oh never mind). I didn't know who it was by or what it was called but I thought it sounded good. This must have been about '89 because it was the CD version of T&C. I did'nt go and check out the details, but next time I was in the pub it came on again. I still didn't check it out. The next time I was in it came on again. This time I made a point of finding out who it was. I was a bit surprised because although I'd heard of the band I must have had a misconception as to what their "sound" was.

The next day I got T&C out of my local library. I didn't commit to a purchase straight away - what if the rest of their stuff was crap (d'oh!)?

Needless to say I commited to a purchase very quickly after that plus the catalogue and whatever else I could find. After that it was just a question of seeing them live. I can't remember when it was but it was at Middlesbrough Arena with Ed Alleyne-Johnson supporting. Seen them several times since, usually I'm geographically restricted to the north-east but I've seen a couple a little further afield.

Thank you to whoever kept putting White Coats on 20 years ago (bloody hell).


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #52 on: December 03, 2009, 05:20:54 PM »
First time I heard NMA was in 1984 at a club in Bradford called Time n Place, the songs were Vengeance and Christian Militia been hooked ever since...

ha ha,, me an plenty of others I suspect....!

Jimmy M

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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #53 on: December 04, 2009, 09:19:28 AM »
I had been into NMA since the mid 80's but due to living abroad I never managed to get to see them.  My first gig was in Greenock, Scotland in a tiny club called Ricos or Nicos, probably in 1992.  I never knew anything about it the tour and only spotted a small advert in a local record shop, I remember thinking I was dreaming, the hairs on my neck stood up.  I immediately bought 3 tickets for me and my mates.
The gig was better than I could ever have imagined.
Long may it continue


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #54 on: December 04, 2009, 06:00:56 PM »
Back in the late 80's, I remember hearing of them, but I didn't really get into them until the early 90's when I dated a guy who had some of their albums.  Thankfully, I had enough sense to lose the guy (despite his excellent musical taste, he was no good), but I remained a fan of the band ever since that time.   Given that I live in the US, it hasn't always been easy to see them live, but they've come through Chicago (where I've lived most of my life) enough times since that time that I've managed to get to four shows and enjoyed myself immensely each time.  This past autumn was show number 4 and it was fabulous.


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #55 on: December 06, 2009, 04:33:54 PM »
In 83 a good friend of mine had Vengeance.
I was a big Jam fan and had seen them twice in 82 - their split left a big gap and I had started listening to the alternative bands at the time Stranglers/banshees/Bunnymen etc - non of them grabbed me as been really 'for the people' and turned out as I suspected to be a sound for a period of time and no more.
Hearing NMA for the first time was unbelievable.
I was playing bass in a band and the sound of Morrows bass completely got me, sharp twangy but soooooo rhythmic.
A tight sound with lyrics that made you feel empowered - I actually did 'Run in the Rain' after hearing the song.
Having just 8 songs on the album was actually a good thing for me as none of them were weak.

The first gig was the same year at the Powerhouse in Birmingham, great gig but back then the boys didn't have that much material as they were still early on in their career.
The next gig was more memorable as it was on the 'No Rest' tour. Stuart Morrow had departed mid tour and the acoustic EP was the freshest sound we had to go on - with no bass in it.
My friends wondered how they could go on without the all important bass man.
The Bierkeller in Bristol was the venue, and small and intimate it was.
I bumped into mousse in the gents and did'nt realise it was him!

The point that stands out for me was this-
A fan was shouting at Justin mid song(imagine how loud it was) telling him to stop playing.
He did and was told that a bouncer was attacking a fan, the guitar hit the floor and a clog wearing Sulavin ran through the crowd and confronted the bouncer.
After a couple of minutes of confusion, and a wonder if the gig would be cancelled, JS returned to the stage and said-
"anyone who saw what happened please report it after the gig to the police as it was about time justice was done 'on our side for once'
The gig continued and it was amazing.
On leaving the gig we walked back to the car -past the Police station, there was a queue of fans, all lined up outside the station waiting to give statements - the funny part was that there must have been over 50 of them, and there was no way all of them could have seen the incident, but were following JS 's instructions to ensure justice was done!

Seen them many times since -  most recently at Cambridge on the 25th November.

There has been no one ever that has created such a quality of sound, lyrics and loyalty as NMA.


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #56 on: December 06, 2009, 07:34:45 PM »
remember that gig well.The bouncer did a runner,but Joolz said on stage that they'd got his name and address and would prosecute.Bouncers were a pain that night,had to hand in studded belt and clog straps before being allowed in.
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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #57 on: December 06, 2009, 08:52:23 PM »
It was also my first introduction to the colossus that is the NMA live show for me. What was the outcome of the night after, does anyone know?

Beauty is a French phonetic corruption of a short, cloth, neck ornament, currently in resurgence.

Utopia is a band, they sang Love is the answer. I think they may be right.

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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #58 on: December 08, 2009, 05:46:58 PM »
That Bierkeller show was waaaaay before my time, but I go there fairly regularly for metal nights- people will be happy to know that the bouncers are now very friendly!


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #59 on: December 09, 2009, 09:42:47 AM »
I first saw New Model Army at Reading Festival in 89, I went to see the Mission but was blown away by New Model Army and have never looked back,they are the only band that I will travel the country to see. My mates all take the piss at the amount of times I go to see them but they don't understand about the power and passion of the gigs. Its through these gigs I have also visited so many places I doubt I would ever have gone to. Roll on the next 20 years of following the Army.