Author Topic: What is your best New Model Army memory?  (Read 51200 times)


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #225 on: July 11, 2019, 09:37:32 PM »
Roy Harper was doing acoustic guitar music, but Al Di Meola (jazz rock), too - and Al wasn`t a hippie at all ;)
Come on, no rock and roller was doing acoustic sets at the time of NMA acoustic EP. It was a brave and startling effort. Sure we got an acoustic guitar rarely from a rock artist and when we did it was pretty spectacular. I am thinking of the first time I heard The Jam's "That's Entertainment;" but Weller was a huge Beatles fan so him pulling out an acoustic guitar was no surprise or in any way shocking. NMA eleasing an all acoustic set was really, really different. If you were around then you would know what I mean. Years before MTV unplugged. Acoustic guitars back then were for aging hippies, folkies, or middle of the road muzak singers.

(And, yes, I know the reason why NMA released the acoustic EP. It wasn't a statement they were was simply they lost their bass player and couldn't rock and roll at that instant. However, the acoustic tracks kept coming on all future NMA releases. I realized they weren't hippies, just guys using another color with which to paint their musical pictures.)


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #226 on: July 13, 2020, 09:13:45 PM »
Agree with whirlwind here, acoustic releases were nowhere to be found at the time. Brave choice.


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #227 on: July 21, 2020, 10:37:26 PM »
This one is very recent... Not sure if to say 'best', but definitely important. I went to Vienna last year to see NMA. Life situation at that point - went weekly to see my shrink, just to be able to deal with my job as I suffered from chronic stress.
Was standing there, waiting the gig to start... intro tape... feeling weird, light-headed in kind of a good way... Band comes to stage, start with One Of The Chosen... When the drums started thundering, I broke down completely, into a hysterical crying fit. Because in that moment, I felt free. Rest of the gig, total pogo -mode on!!! :D
So, I realised I was in fact completely burned out. Outcome? Took a while, but finally in mid-January, I quit in my job position, started doing simple job in nightshift instead. Coming to work after that felt like a holiday, everything was suddenly so simple! It takes long time for the brain to recover from burn-out, currently feeling quite relaxed and able to think straight :)
...if you were in Vienna that night and saw somebody shaking and crying, it was probably me... :)

Master Ray

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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #228 on: July 22, 2020, 07:47:13 PM »
This one is very recent... Not sure if to say 'best', but definitely important. I went to Vienna last year to see NMA. Life situation at that point - went weekly to see my shrink, just to be able to deal with my job as I suffered from chronic stress.
Was standing there, waiting the gig to start... intro tape... feeling weird, light-headed in kind of a good way... Band comes to stage, start with One Of The Chosen... When the drums started thundering, I broke down completely, into a hysterical crying fit. Because in that moment, I felt free. Rest of the gig, total pogo -mode on!!! :D
So, I realised I was in fact completely burned out. Outcome? Took a while, but finally in mid-January, I quit in my job position, started doing simple job in nightshift instead. Coming to work after that felt like a holiday, everything was suddenly so simple! It takes long time for the brain to recover from burn-out, currently feeling quite relaxed and able to think straight :)
...if you were in Vienna that night and saw somebody shaking and crying, it was probably me... :)

Great story, buddy.  I've also had a couple of, shall we say, 'over emotional moments' at NMA gigs, usually when life wasn't working out too well for me.  Straight on to the days ahead!   ;)

Raw Melody Man

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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #229 on: July 23, 2020, 02:06:38 PM »
Well this is an easy question. My best NMA memory, one of my proudest moments as a musician, and equally one that's tinged with sadness because of what might have been... was the day I nearly joined New Model Army as their bassist.

It was 1989,  I was working for a charity and played in local bands, as a bassist/vocalist. I use to follow Fields of the Nephilim on tour and NMA were also one of my favourite bands and main influences. Following the release of the mighty Thunder and Consolation and the tour, with the band in the UK charts with Vagabonds (arguably the most commercially successful point in their career, certainly in the UK), the music press announced the departure of Moose and NMA ran adverts seeking a new bass player.

I recorded several of their songs (bass and drum track only) and had a photo shoot done, and was thrilled to get a call inviting me to London to audition for the band. Nik the Frog chatted to me whilst I nervously waited my turn: "How long does this take?" I asked. "it depends how much they like you" he said.

They called me in, I shook hands and plugged in my bass ready to go. Justin was quiet and cautious, Rob was smiling and friendly. Justin asked me which numbers I knew, and we played Stupid Questions, Christian Militia and I think Poison Street. Rob asked me if I knew Green and Grey (which I'm sure most of you know was his creation).  It wasn't one I'd worked out and Rob got out from behind the drumkit to quickly show me the main riff. "Ok, lets see how quickly you can learn things", he said. And we played it, even though I'd had about five minutes to get my head round it at most...

Justin asked me if I knew "No rest". I had most of it down but there were parts of the solo I hadn't yet sorted so I said no. Rob gave me a useful tip on that one..

Justin asked me to do backing vocals and also asked to hear some of my own material.   He then asked me if I could leave my job etc. I said you bet (betcha?). I asked how the auditions were going and he indicated there were about 4 of us (inc me) they were interested in.

All in all, it seemed to go well. I wished them the best and went home, still buzzing with the idea I might actually be about to leave my job and join one of my favourite bands and could be touring the world with them in a matter of months.

A few days later I got a call, maybe from Joolz I can't recall. She was very polite, very positive and complementary, but they had decided to stick with Nelson who they kind of already had 'in the bag'.

Gutted, obviously.  After the 'Hopeless causes' album I  lost touch and interest in NMA and have only returned to the fold recently. I missed the point that Nelson left and their search for another bass player,  otherwise, who knows...



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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #230 on: July 23, 2020, 03:07:12 PM »
Great post....


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #231 on: July 24, 2020, 08:15:06 PM »
Seeing them live in the flesh for the first time!


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #232 on: July 29, 2020, 08:44:50 PM »
Raw Melody Man that was really interesting thanks. Wow, so near..yet so far. What did you do musically after this?

Raw Melody Man

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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #233 on: August 01, 2020, 08:13:02 AM »
Raw Melody Man that was really interesting thanks. Wow, so near..yet so far. What did you do musically after this?

Carried on doing stuff with my band for a while then packed in the whole band thing. Few years later took up classical guitar and after several years study started gigging Spanish guitar stuff (think Rodrigo Y Gabriela meets Gipsy Kings) playing mostly functions but also some concerts and festivals. Packed that in about 18 months ago and now revisiting my roots again :)


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #234 on: October 27, 2020, 12:28:40 AM »
3rd time lucky?


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #235 on: May 01, 2022, 11:29:35 PM »
I just posted this in another topic,  but is seems more appropriate here:

In 1995 I was on exchange to Westminster College in Oxford.  I went looking for music,  the folks I hooked up with introduced me to 4 of my favorite bands - Ozrics, The Levellers, Fields of the Nephilim, and New Model Army.   

I have these memories of walking the paths between Botley and Westminster in the dark English rain trying to get back to my bed; more than several pints/spliffs in, and being inspired by the words and voice of Justin Sullivan.  I have been a huge fan since.  My favorite lyric writer to this day.   Ive seen them on every US tour since and traveled several times to the UK to see them.   

In 2009 I suffered a traumatic brain injury while racing my road bike.  I was still in full recovery mode and trying to remember who I was,  my girlfriend/ now wife took me to see NMA in Indianapolis IN where we were living.   Justin spent some time talking with me, i have a picture, it's one of my favorites.   

I will always love this band

New Jersey