Author Topic: What is your best New Model Army memory?  (Read 51441 times)


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #150 on: June 14, 2012, 10:40:36 AM »
First night of their '95 gigs i went to the club realy early, the band had their soundcheck so i asked the bouncer if i could watch it, he politely refused but he kept the doors wide open so i could hear clearly the songs, they played gimme shelter and no greater love none of which was included in their set.
So i was sitting there alone, with my beer and it was raining, and just when you thought things can't get any better Justin walks by staring the avenue in front of the club so i greeted him and we had a nice little chat.

A few weeks later i received a postcard   :) ...


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #151 on: June 14, 2012, 08:10:51 PM »
October 2011, Northampton gig. Got there to see loads of others with painted on stitches in tribute to the gash I got above my eye two days earlier. Never felt like I've ever really belonged to Any group, always thought I was an outsider. That night I realized that i'd been part of one for a long time without knowing it.
Thanks JC & Mama, love you, and love you all
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 10:30:07 PM by GaylesOtherHalf »
B' Reet


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #152 on: June 14, 2012, 11:17:20 PM »
October 2011, Northampton gig. Got there to see loads of others with painted on stitches in tribute to the gash I got above my eye two days earlier. Never felt like I've ever really belonged to Any group, always thought I was an outsider. That night I realized that i'd been part of one for a long time without knowing it.
Thanks JC & Mama, love you, and love you all
I see why Ozzie was called what he was now!  ;)
WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!!! 8)
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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #153 on: June 15, 2012, 08:18:44 AM »
October 2011, Northampton gig. Got there to see loads of others with painted on stitches in tribute to the gash I got above my eye two days earlier. Never felt like I've ever really belonged to Any group, always thought I was an outsider. That night I realized that i'd been part of one for a long time without knowing it.
Thanks JC & Mama, love you, and love you all
It wasn't us it was all the others, when we said who it was for, it was easy  :)



rick a.

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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #154 on: June 20, 2012, 07:15:27 PM »
I remember meeting Justin in Cambridge ,Ma after a gig in a tiny club called TT The Bears. It wouldn't have happened but the club is so small there was no dressing room so he was having a smoke out on the sidewalk.
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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #155 on: August 20, 2012, 07:27:43 PM »
This weekend, my best memories are always the latest ones.....what's stormin show at BD 2012..So many people I spoke to said they were NMA virgins ( which I. Struggle to beleive ) and that they were out to buy CDs, get to gigs etc.
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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #156 on: October 07, 2012, 08:10:47 AM »
My best memory would have to be Rob saying "come in, come in!" as i stood rather dumbstruck at the door of SawMills studio.I'd heard the guys were down(this was 1991) and thought i'd be cheeky and go visit John the sound guy,who i met whilst roadie-ing for a local band he was the soundman with.
I was invited in and taken down to the studio by Rob where the final edit (i hope i remember correctly) for Raw Melody Men was being finished.Then i was asked to sit down to dinner with Justin,Rob,Nelson,and a couple of other guys whose names i cannot remember.Have to say it was slightly surreal,i recall talking with Rob and Justin whilst Nelson was playing Vengeance on a nearby piano (an enduring memory).Also i remember walking across Bodmin Pill with Nelson trying to have a "not starstruck at all" conversation about bass guitars and trying not to trip over the railway sleepers in the dark ::).In the pub Rob bought me a guiness.After, i recall sitting at the SawMills end of the Pill with Justin watching Nelson trying to light a fire with just one match (as was the rule)

I was bowled over by the hospitality of the guys,and the way i was made to feel welcome...and accepted for a very short time as one of the "tribe".

I remember it all like it was yesterday,and it has somehow made the music more personal to me;and the band more real,not just icons on the stage but real folk that i sat and "broke bread" with...and things like that stay with you.



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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #157 on: December 06, 2012, 05:56:48 PM »
seeing them back in the day with  Morrow simple as that .

Kneel the Reveller

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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #158 on: December 29, 2012, 05:53:40 PM »
I have seen NMA all over the UK, lost count at fifty times. Usually three or four times a tour is all my pocket and work would allow. Suddenly the realisation that it seemed absolutely normal to be stood infront of the band watching them, seemed like family come home.

Two best moments for me, NMA at Nottingham at a festival in the late 90's playing 51st state with a blood red sky as the sun was going down. And a JS solo gig in Walsall in early 90's, it was in the top room of some really small pub, Justin was sat in the room waiting to start his set, my then girlfriend squeezed my ass and Justin burst out laughing as he was watching.

Happy days!


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #159 on: December 31, 2012, 04:17:20 PM »
For me this is an easy one. I used to have a friend called Barty, we both got into NMA at around about the same time while still at school. First, I had all my stuff on tape, and Barty had all the albums except Thunder, at the time, all our pocket money was spent down the pub, so buying records did not happen as often as it should.

One day in the summer 1989 while killing time walking around Nottingham, we saw someone busking. He was playing an electric violin. It sounded phenomenal, so we stud and watched for a bit. You could not see his face, there was a curly black mop with the back end of his violin sticking out of it. When he finished his set, we went and had a chat with him. I asked him if he had heard the song Vagabonds with a similar sound to it, and he said, - yes, it was me on the track. He was Ed Alleyne-Johnson

We were thrilled by this, being big fans, but never having seen any of the band members on anything. So, I suggested to Barty, if we clubbed together, we could go and buy the Thunder LP, and get Ed to sign the inner cover where the lyrics to Vagabonds was. So, we dashed off up to Virgin mega store, and purchased a copy with its gate fold sleeve. and then headed back down to where Ed was playing. I remember joking to Barty on the way back, that we would get back, show him the album, and then the violinist would say - no, I was only joking mate !!

But, no, as it was is was Ed, and he was pleased to give a nice long scrawl along in the lyrics to Vagabonds. I think Barty still has that album cover amongst his prised possessions.


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #160 on: January 04, 2013, 07:06:53 PM »
My best memory that involves NMA is my first show. It was in Paris on the 14th of December 2012. I was expecting a lot but the gig was far better than I ever imagined. Everyone made me feel very welcome,people bought me drinks afterwards. It was well worth flying across the Atlantic for. I am not used to being around kind people so it makes me cry a bit thinking about it. :'(    But happy tears.  I also met half the band and a tall German guy lifted me up on his shoulders when he found out it was my first gig. 

Thanks to everyone who help make this the best memory. It means a lot to me and will never be forgotten.
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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #161 on: January 06, 2013, 01:06:47 AM »
My best memory that involves NMA is my first show. It was in Paris on the 14th of December 2012. I was expecting a lot but the gig was far better than I ever imagined. Everyone made me feel very welcome,people bought me drinks afterwards. It was well worth flying across the Atlantic for. I am not used to being around kind people so it makes me cry a bit thinking about it. :'(    But happy tears.  I also met half the band and a tall German guy lifted me up on his shoulders when he found out it was my first gig. 

Thanks to everyone who help make this the best memory. It means a lot to me and will never be forgotten.
Glad you enjoyed Paris Amanda. Hope you still have Ceri's pic' from Melkweg?
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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #162 on: January 18, 2013, 03:39:05 AM »
Living on the "Left" Coast (California) does not provide many opportunities to take in the lads' performances, but I would have to say that the Oct. 4, 2009, DNA Lounge gig in San Francisco was my fave.... not a large crowd, nice acoustics, excellent performance (as usual),  and a chance to really see all of them up close and personal.....  that would be followed by my first chance to see them, because I was so excited at the time... at the Variety Arts Theatre in LA on Aug. 15, 1987... but the acoustics were terrible....  Hope to see them again next year after the new LP comes out, if we're so lucky!   USA fans--- keep pulling for another tour of the states!
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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #163 on: February 19, 2013, 06:46:10 PM »
Lots of good memories, but having a day off in Manchester on the Impurity tour (I think) and going to see the Jungle Book with several of the following singing all the songs sticks in the mind.

Edit: Think it was the Love of Hopeless Causes tour, 1993?
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 05:03:06 PM by 1900sr »


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Re: What is your best New Model Army memory?
« Reply #164 on: April 13, 2013, 01:46:54 PM »
Mine is interviewing Justin at Strumercamp and seeing them for the first time at the ritz in manchester with Stuart Morrow on bass .Also No rest on top of the pops ,changed my music totally, heres a link to the interview.