I'm 45 now and a fan since a long time : I saw them many times during the last 25 years, and I could have highlight the first one (they were opening for a band and I discovered them at this moment), the one at the Locomotive in Paris for their 25 years, the 30 years tour, a concert in Marseille (around 91 I think) but finally I choose Vaureal last week. Indeed, I was there my with my 12yo son. Since he was born, he "listens" to NMA with me in my car, at home but he never listened by himself NMA (in fact, he doesn't really listen music by himself but more with us). He was me with me at Le Divan du Monde last december, but we were on the upper level, so very static.
When I learned for the Vaureal concert, I asked myself if I have to take him with me as he's a bit a small format child and it was a small venue, and I finally I bought tickets. And this was my most fantastic experience at a NMA concert : I know fans are amazing people, but all the people were so sweet with him, when we were dancing in the middle of the crowd, sitting on my shoulders, when they helped me to get him standing on my shoulders during G&G, giving him hugs, sending us pictures ... and a F...... amazing sentiment to see your own son enjoying so much the music ! If someone would have tell me 20 years ago it will happen (even 5 years ago !), I would have laughed ! So a big thank you to all the fans, and to the band and the crew for the after show.
See you all in december