Author Topic: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?  (Read 29194 times)

Master Ray

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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #105 on: July 21, 2013, 10:20:46 PM »
Another hello to Aoede!  So you're in San Francisco... dammit, somewhere I would love to visit one day!  I've been to the US seven times but never made any further west than Chicago...

I hope the NMA guys get over to your neck-of-the-woods on the next tour, if not, maybe one day you can get over to these shores?   C'mon, the Atlantic ain't THAT wide...   :D

All the best.


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #106 on: July 24, 2013, 02:29:49 AM »
To Shush-Dean is a mighty lucky fellow.. hope you both can get out for part of the next tour, and thanks for sharing that.. and Hello Master Ray!! San Francisco is a beautiful place to call home. It is a bit foggish at the moment, but it keeps the house comfortable and cool. Yes hoping NMA will come Statesward at some point-and that Justin will do another more stripped down, acoustic tour as well. Glad to connect here!  :) 
♥ Aoede ♪♫


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #107 on: August 11, 2013, 10:18:53 PM »
Hi Aoede!
SF is a place I've not ventured to either! Got close playin a gig in San Jose at Streetlight Records a couple of years back. But not quite there....... Welcome aboard the Family Forum! =)
Liked the lyrics aswell. Nice bit of word play! JS got my arse into geat in 1990, telling me to pull my finger out and get myself "into a band with some mates!"...... Coz we'd been discussing guitars and songwriting for about half an hour! He made Gibson some money with that comment! =) But I've gained friends, family and a wife from being in bands since 1991, played in America on three tours, Europe, and all over the uk! So I guess he had a point! I ha ve loved every minute, the current NMA set up is as strong as ever, and the new album is looking like a new begining of sorts? We'll have to see what the TALENTED MR SULLIVAN and the lads have for us.  ;)
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #108 on: August 15, 2013, 11:55:08 AM »
Depends what you mean by immediate... Yes and no.
The first time I heard NMA was back in 2009 when my new boyfriend said "You really ought to listen to this, it's important" and played me Thunder and Consolation. I liked it immediately, and the following day I listened to it while I was on the train to Edinburgh. My second impression was "interesting, but a bit long-winded". I was going away for 11 days, so Boyfriend had loaded me up with all sorts of "important" music to listen to, and I didn't really give NMA a second thought. My listening background is pretty eclectic - everything from Kate Bush, Tori Amos, Peter Gabriel etc through to Metallica and NIN, with a healthy slug of classical music thrown in. So, it's pretty rare that I'm confronted or put off by music, and will happily give anything a good listen.

About a week later, I was walking around Edinburgh city centre, with iPod on shuffle, and Family Life came on. I stopped dead in my tracks and I couldn't move or think about anything else until the song ended. That night, in my hotel, I gave Thunder and Consolation another try, and properly. That time, I was hooked, pure and simple.

Pretty soon I was working my way through the entire back catalogue, and loving it. The Ghost of Cain was my favourite album for a long time, and I sort of shunned the later stuff. Thunder and Consolation, No Rest for the Wicked, and The Ghost of Cain were the three albums I listened to more than anything else in my collection.

A few months later, Boyfriend took me to my first NMA gig. I was blown away by the power of the music, as expected. I was, if possible, even more hooked.

Over the past 4 years I've been to as many NMA gigs as I can, and loved every single one - being at the 30th Anniversary two-nighter was one of the highlights of my concert-going life. (Although the recent Rebellion set and the JS&DW solo show are probably my favourites - being in the front row for the latter was an exhilarating experience!) But - I'm still listening more, and discovering more. Eight took a while to reveal itself to me (BUT ORANGE TREE ROADS!!), as did Strange Brotherhood - but some of my favourite songs are on those albums, and I've sort of learned that there's always a point to everything that they do, even if it isn't immediately obvious. The last piece of the puzzle was the really early stuff, but as soon as I heard Christian Militia that was pretty much sold on me! Now that's a song I wish I'd written ;)

I'm a musician myself (classical) and find that NMA are one of the most musically interesting and technically proficient bands I've ever had the pleasure of listening to, not to mention that indefinable factor that draws us all to their music - I never get tired of them, and return to shelved albums again and again, finding new things to love every time. As many of you have said, there is no other band I can imagine feeling that way about. It was a great feeling to be there at Rebellion, right near the front, and knowing the words to every song.

As for the boyfriend, well, he's proved to be a keeper too and we're getting married in a few months' time. I'm pretty sure there will be lots of NMA played at the reception  ;D
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #109 on: August 15, 2013, 07:36:03 PM »
Nice story Shazbat, and welcome to the forum. It seams that a lot of fans got their first intro to the band through their spouse or partner.


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #110 on: August 16, 2013, 11:22:06 AM »
Cheers, Shush!

I'm an Aussie, lived over here for nearly 5 years now, and I'd genuinely never heard of NMA til I came over here and met my fella. I don't think they're big in Australia, more's the pity, but I've got a few friends back home interested too - one of them is coming to visit me shortly and it just happens to coincide with an NMA gig, which he's pretty chuffed about! Spreading the word... :)
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #111 on: August 19, 2013, 02:00:16 AM »
I was 14 and my older brother - 17 - had this tape of a band he'd just seen at Clouds; a small club in Preston - 30 minutes of NMA's of vengeance on one side, Subhumans and Zounds on the other side.  It was a home made tape from a friend of his - we were both Iron Maiden etc fans at the time - I gotta admit I still am but that tape changed my life.  I'm sure that tape changed my life.
UFO - Great
Scorpions - Great
( It was pretty good to see a flying V on MG this tour :) )
Zounds - Great
and NMA - do I have to even mention them here.
YES - an immediate band for me x
These days I think of Justin Sullivan as one of those great writers - along with Dylan and Cohen but also as one of the great melodiscists along with Robert Smith and others you'll hate me for mentioning.  There are a few 'greats' that I love; and Justin Sullivan: well its just wierd that his work is so little acknowledged yet.
I loved this band immediately x
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 02:05:32 AM by Knievel »


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #112 on: August 19, 2013, 05:36:11 PM »
Justin Sullivan's way with words is utterly amazing, and one of the things that really drew me to the band. A genius, in my mind!
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #113 on: August 29, 2013, 09:32:36 PM »
Was about 13 borrowed a tape (original not copy!) of NRFTW off a neighbour and was blown away instantly from the first notes of Frightened and listened right through reading the lyrics, staring at the cover - my favourite band then and NoW!!


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #114 on: October 11, 2013, 05:42:20 PM »
My first introduction was in 1989, on a nightshift at Kwik Save, of all places by a Goth work colleague, who also got me into Fields of the Nephillim whilst I was posing in bermuda shorts to Anthrax. I wasnt too fussed at the time, but remember liking Spirit of the Falklands and Betcha. Not sure when they really clicked with me, Im guessing Thunder and Consolation and then Impurity I remember buying on cassette. I havent looked back since.
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #115 on: October 12, 2013, 07:57:35 AM »
Yes, they were pretty immediate for me. A friend gave me a copy of Vengeance sometime in 84/85 and I liked it pretty much right away. I saw them for the first time in 1985. They were so different to everything else I was listening to at the time (Sisters, Cure, Lorries, Chameleons). They were like a much needed kick in the arse and they really pulled me out of my goth phase.

I think they are the only band that I got into during their early period that I still like today. They're certainly not the band that I fell in love with in 1984 which is probably why I still love them.


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #116 on: October 14, 2013, 04:57:52 AM »
This seems like as good a place as any for a first post, so here goes. Someone loaned me T&C on CD in about 1991 or '92. I immediately loved I Love The World but didn't think much of the rest of the album, mostly because it was full of things that generally put me off (acoustic guitar, fiddle and harmonica in particular). I gave it a few run-throughs and returned it to its owner. But I Love The World was firmly stuck in my head so after a few months I tracked down my own disc. The first time I listened to that disc I realised that the whole album was great.

Over the next year or two I got hold of everything else I could and liked pretty much all of it. When Love of Hopeless Causes came out I bought it straight away but, to this day, I have never really got into it. I listened to previews of the next few albums on amazon but I figured I had enough and that the stuff I had was better. I started buying the albums again with Carnival but again, I never really go tinto them and after a dozen or two listens I always went back to Ghost of Cain, T&C and Impurity.

Last month I saw that there was a new album and ordered it straight away, based on the YouTube clip. For the first time I enjoyed it on the first listen and after a few weeks I am enjoying it more and more. More importantly, though, it made me realise that I was only missing Strange Brotherhood and Eight so I bought those digitally. I liked Strange Brotherhood immediately but I'm still trying to get into Eight. Curioser still, I've also listened to both High and TIAGD again and I really like them now, too. So tomorrow is my day off and I'm going to my storage place to grab Carnival and Love of Hopeless Causes so that I can rip them to my Zune and see if maybe I've changed my mind about them, as well.

So, to summarise, it's taken me anything from a few months to 15 years to get into some NMA stuff and it certainly took me a while to get into them in the first place. But it was sure as hell worth it!

rick a.

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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #117 on: December 09, 2013, 08:07:15 PM »
I'm waiting for the new album to be delivered now. I've heard it's a different sound but I still can't wait.
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #118 on: December 10, 2013, 09:25:19 AM »
I'm waiting for the new album to be delivered now. I've heard it's a different sound but I still can't wait.

Hope you gonna like it! I'd describe it a stunning experience. :-)
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #119 on: December 14, 2013, 06:18:35 PM »
I was hook from the first time i heard them  :D