Author Topic: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?  (Read 29174 times)


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #60 on: October 15, 2011, 08:19:11 PM »
Totally. First track I heard was 'Stupid Questions' and it was the video I saw on MTV. I was in the 6th form and getting grief for looking the way I did, long hair, sleeveless t-shirts etc and I can still see Justin turning to the camera and then the song just kicked off.

Got T&C and then all the older albums. I did find the later albums harder to get into, post LOHC. Gig wise I never managed to make it to any until the 20th anniversary gigs at the astoria. Been to half a dozen since then including the forum last December but the Liquid Room on wednesday was for me one of the most visceral. Looking forward to the Ritz in Manchester and hopefully the London ones too!


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #61 on: October 16, 2011, 07:57:22 PM »
I was an old school punk singing in a goth band when a mate played me the No Rest tape on our way up the M6 to Liverpool for rehearsals. It was an instant hit.

I'd heard and liked the things Peel had played before then but this was different gravy.

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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #62 on: November 03, 2011, 08:11:47 AM »
It was love at first hear! I was livin in Livepool at the time and I was hanging round with some of the Bradford/Wolves lot. We met via drystone walling/animal rights events and the dj at Planet X was a NMA fan so Friday and Saturday nights dancing to your fav NMA albums was like a dream...
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #63 on: November 03, 2011, 01:07:02 PM »
I loved it from the first moment I heard them just cant get enough of them  :)


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #64 on: November 05, 2011, 02:17:52 PM »
A friend of mine was playing the No Rest album, hooked from then on. And it's still my favourite NMA album.


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #65 on: December 24, 2011, 07:21:47 PM »
I first heard of them in the summer of 84 after my brother had borrowed Vengeance from a friend and that was the beginning of the journey for us both.  Saw them live in 87 for the first time, seen them regularly since then, bought all the LPs, CD, singles, t-shirts, posters and collected as many bootlegs as I can get my hands on.  Like most I've had my preferred era's with mine being from Vengeance up to Strange Brotherhood then I lost it a bit from Eight to High then came back with TIAGD.  I always loved the live stuff though, so much better listening to them live.  A point of interest to maybe some was the 'friend' who my brother borrowed the Vengeance LP off is The Charlatans singer Tim Burgess.  I've never seen in print him mention NMA but I imagine compared to some of the influences I've seen mentioned by him, they are simply not trendy enough.  His loss though   


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #66 on: January 17, 2012, 02:31:39 AM »
Most definitely!!!  I heard Green and Grey on the radio and was hooked! I bought TAC only to find out I had missed the live show by 4 days.  d'oh!


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #67 on: January 22, 2012, 09:35:56 PM »
From the day I watched No Rest on Top of the Pops all those years ago I knew I was hooked. The only album I ever had to listen to a few times before it grew on me was Love of Hopeless Causes, one of my favourite albums now (well they all are really).


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #68 on: January 22, 2012, 09:43:11 PM »
Yes and no.

I loved the early albums when I first bought them and went to see them at 16 for the Impurity tour at Brixton.  I got a fair bit of hassle being so young from some of the fans and some pretty awful treatment - some violence (I don;t mean of the pit kind - I was right at the back - next time I went as well, so I liked them as a band but frankly at the time thought the fans were a bunch of bullying c***s.  I've heard a few other people with similar stories too.  For me this kind of soured the band a little bit for a while,  so stopped seeing them live again until I was a bit older.


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #69 on: January 23, 2012, 09:10:17 AM »
I've mates up here who say similar things about gigs in Middlesboroogh and Newcastle from the 80's....... There were some very "handy" lads who were pretty aggresive and very very territorial in the pit...... I was certainly intimidated in 87 at St Georges Hall...... I thought the pit was full of savages to be honest! But by the Summer 90 tour I'd found my fet (cloggs! ;D.....)........
Impurity would've been Town n country and you were there for Raw Melody Men recordings mate! If not, the Summer 90 and Two Dogs tours were at Brixton. I'm a nerd....... :o ha ha Great gigs tho'!!!!!!! Some of my happiest gig memories!
Until last year obviously!!!!  ;D
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #70 on: January 23, 2012, 09:47:16 AM »
Yes and no.

I loved the early albums when I first bought them and went to see them at 16 for the Impurity tour at Brixton.  I got a fair bit of hassle being so young from some of the fans and some pretty awful treatment - some violence (I don;t mean of the pit kind - I was right at the back - next time I went as well, so I liked them as a band but frankly at the time thought the fans were a bunch of bullying c***s.  I've heard a few other people with similar stories too.  For me this kind of soured the band a little bit for a while,  so stopped seeing them live again until I was a bit older.

Didn't get any hassle and violence as such, and actually haven't seen them live for a good number of years now. Otherwise, very much the same experience you've mentioned. Know from a few who've been to recent gigs that sometimes the 'chatting' is a bigger problem than the attitude(s). 


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #71 on: January 23, 2012, 11:18:34 AM »

Impurity would've been Town n country and you were there for Raw Melody Men recordings mate! If not, the Summer 90 and Two Dogs tours were at Brixton. I'm a nerd....... :o ha ha Great gigs tho'!!!!!!! Some of my happiest gig memories!
Until last year obviously!!!!  ;D

Might well have been T&C actually - my memory isn't what it was...   ;D


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #72 on: January 23, 2012, 07:13:18 PM »
I don't remember if I agreed or not.... it's my age, no it isn't yes is......... Possibly  ???
lmao ;D
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #73 on: January 23, 2012, 07:21:49 PM »
Better call the nurse for our medication...   ;D

Most of my early gigs as a kid were at Brixton as they weren't too fussy about age in them days (either entry or bar), so I assumed it was there, but I've always been fairly sure I was at the R.M.M. album gig, so I guess maybe it was T&C


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #74 on: January 23, 2012, 09:27:45 PM »
i to found in the 80's the pit to be very rough ,group of lads that called them selfs the militia if ive got that right,they used to hug the pit so no one could get in,but apart from that there was no other trouble but like stoney said come the 90's seam to be a lot better.
I remember hearing vengence at rock city one of my mates bought the album went to see them at clifton uni in nov 84 that was me HOOKED and the journey continues