Author Topic: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?  (Read 29222 times)


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #75 on: February 03, 2012, 06:57:38 PM »
Sometime in 1968, ITV was showing their early satellite TV show called 'the box' i think, they showed it on the TV channel after the regular tv finished after midnight.... It was mostly music vids like MTV, but the first hour after midnight was Gaz Top playing 'alternative' music...

Anyhow, NMA came on with the 51st state video, snap! that was it for me, NMA fan ever since.

Saw them later at Leicester Uni (radio sessions tour ~87), portsmouth (pallisades? ~90) - (strange brotherhood) and sometime in 04 at Leeds Uni...

el tel

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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #76 on: February 10, 2012, 12:31:03 AM »
For myself, a resounding YES! My first exposure was a live gig in hometown Canada, T&C tour '89.
A friend dragged me along, claiming I would LOVE it. I left that club thinking I had never seen 4 musicians (incl. Ed) so committed to giving an audience of no more than 150 souls everything they had. The band, regardless of the line-up, has always given 110% at any of the shows I've been privileged to attend. I'll tell anyone who will listen that this is the best band in the world (but I don't have to tell anyone here that). Live long & prosper.
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #77 on: February 16, 2012, 04:15:09 PM »
in the 90s I had to listen to each album a few times to appreciate it fully. The last let s say 3 were an instant


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #78 on: February 20, 2012, 10:11:19 AM »
Glastonbury 85 - Me and a mate were going to Glasto that year we were looking at the line up and I saw NMA asked him if he knew who they were and he produced a cassette version of Vengeance.Fell in love straight away.
Like some others had said some albums since have taken a while to love.So some people might take longer but we all get there in the end!!! ;)


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #79 on: March 01, 2012, 01:45:58 PM »
When I was 13 (1995), I went to my sister's house for New Years Eve. Two important things happened on that trip:
* I was allowed to try wine, and got an alcohol buzz for the first time in my life
* Her boyfriend (now her husband) said "I think you might dig this" and put on Thunder and Consolation. I sat in rapt attention through the first several tracks, and when I left I had made a tape cassette copy of album.

A little while later, my brother gave me a tape with No Rest for the Wicked on one side, and The Ghost of Cain on the other. I listened to all of these albums obsessively. Every difficult emotion I experienced as a teenager seemed to have a parallel in a NMA song; "Green & Gray" and "Nothing Touches" were early favorites.

As the years went on, I started buying CDs to backfill my collection. When I was 17, I remember walking across the town I lived in with headphones on, listening to "Family Life" and thinking that this was the best band I had been turned on to in years, and feeling sad that they hadn't toured the US in a while and that I'd probably never get to see them.

I've now seen them live three times in three different US cities, and Justin was even kind enough to sign my copy of High, which is the only time in a long career of concerts that I've even considered trying to get something autographed.

What I'm saying is, this band has made my life better and is one of only about four bands for whom I will automatically pre-order anything I get wind of without knowing anything else about it (and one of only two bands that I have bothered to import merch from overseas for). It was definitely an immediate thing for me. "The roll of thunder from the pike..." and I was hooked.


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #80 on: March 01, 2012, 04:55:36 PM »
The first song i heard was 'Better than them' and yes it was instant.


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #81 on: March 30, 2012, 09:42:56 AM »
As I've written there: , it was not immediate, but in two steps. The 1st was a small one, but as soon as I made the 2nd, which was much bigger, I was conquered... So if it was not immediate, it was quick!

rick a.

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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #82 on: June 11, 2012, 07:49:29 PM »
I felt NMA was different when I heard "the hunt" on the radio. It started a passion for the band that has not subsided at all. Before I knew about this site I would get so pumped to see a new NMA disc in the stores.
I've spent years turning people on to this band. The radio ignores them in the US so it's up to us to spread the word!
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Re: Was NAM an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #83 on: June 16, 2012, 02:45:14 AM »
It was an immediate band for me. The first NMA album that I heard was T&C and I thought it was amazing. I immediately fell in love with the passion of Justin's Voice and lyrics. NMA is just not like any other band.
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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #84 on: July 26, 2012, 06:23:02 PM »
Being American they were not by any stretch of the imagination heard of or listened to by many people especially where I live.

In high school I had a couple of cool friends who were really into British music that always played their albums, specifically T&C because it had just been released. I immediately loved the song 'I Love the World' and started listening to them more and more. The more I heard their music the more I was impressed by the depth of meaning behind the lyrics and the passion with which the band plays the music.

Been a huge fan ever since.

Wessexy Witch

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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #85 on: August 01, 2012, 04:43:22 PM »
Do you know,I'm not sure when or where I really found The Army.
I remember catching them on The Tube and thinking "Hello,now theres summut I could get interested in!".
Still interested !

Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #86 on: August 27, 2012, 02:30:13 PM »
I was in high school in 1989 and I was suspended because I was caught smoking.

I didnt tell to my parents so I went to school the whole week, even I wasn´t allowed to go to my classes.

One day a friend borrowed me a walkman with a miscelanious tape. The very first song was Better than them and it was instant. The other songs on the tape was No Rest and Poison Street.

The funniest fact is that my first record was a 2nd hand Vengeance vinyl, but my stereo had a problem and was playing only in "mono". So, I´ve spending a few years listening in one channel only, so when I bought a cd player I thought they put a different version on CD. :)

BTW, there was only a few stores selling NMA records here in Brazil. All 2nd hand and costing little fortunes.

rick a.

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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #87 on: August 31, 2012, 02:08:34 AM »
What part of Brazil are you from?
Has the world cup fever taken over yet?
I'm geared towards the averagae rather than the exceptional.

Charles B.

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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #88 on: September 07, 2012, 07:12:23 PM »
Haven't read through all answers, but I remember seeing 51st state on (one of) Germany's first music-video-tv-shows in the mid 80s. Shortly after that I scanned the LPs of a friend's brother and picked Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Joy Division, and New Model Army's "Ghost Of Cain" to copy them on cassette, yeah, those times... ;-)

It was not like "this is my new fav band" but I just loved NMA, bought their records and went to gigs every year since then, until I got finally tranformed into a follower after the 2000 anniversary-double-gig in Cologne. Have seen the band 150+ (ish) times since then and still don't get tired of them.

This is (for me) an outstanding symptom. I can listen to NMA 24/7 and I don't get bored. Can't imagine of any other band to meet this criteria.

Straight on for the days ahead...

« Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 07:15:46 PM by Charles B. »


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #89 on: September 10, 2012, 02:05:35 AM »
What part of Brazil are you from?
Has the world cup fever taken over yet?

Not yet, rick. BTW I am from Sao Paulo. Do you know?
« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 02:10:20 AM by fabio »