Yes without doubt.
It was 1984 and living in Murton a pit village times were torrid, hate and desperation filled the hearts of everyone despite the brave faces on the picket lines, I remember my father with his head in his hands tears rolling down his cheeks, cheeks that had never looked so clean in years. This was a year I had been looking forward too as I was leaving school in the summer, however life and its future had suddenly turned into a very bleak and dark time. I was a punk, mad on The Exploited, Test tube babies, Blitz, Crass etc I was angry enough without Thatcher destroying what little we had. One day a mate came round and brought a single with him, a band called New Model Army, I put it on the turntable and we listened to 1984 and it blew me away because it was what was happening, it was a song about ME. about me, my parents, friends, neighbours my god it blew me away. Somebody outside of our village knew exactly what was going on. This was a different kind of music to what I normally listened to, this had a heart and soul I needed to hear more.
Vengeance sealed it for me, that album opened my eyes, Stuart Morrows playing was on another level, I had always liked JJ Burnell however there was a new king in town, Rob Heatons drums were not being hit at a million miles an hour, there was a real rhythm and tempo, and then there was Slade the Leveller, who was this man, to me he was the new messiah, every lyric was heartfelt and full of passion, everytime I heard a song any song I was there, it was like being in a little film set, I could always close my eyes and I was there, nothing had ever sounded or felt like this. I first saw NMA in Sunderland later that year, never before had I been sleepless leading up to a gig. I was utterly stunned when they came on stage, that bass was spine tingeling, drums mesmerising and Mr Leveller was an angry preacher, every single word had such venom and passion. Wattie was an impressive frontman but he had just been dealt to the bottom of my pack by a man in clogs with no mohican or studs this was me hooked.
Nothing and nobody has ever come close, not even slightly.