The New Model Army documentary is now in full production and over the next few months we will be interviewing a whole range of people with a story to tell about the band. As important as anyone are the fans themselves. We need to talk to as many of you as possible about what NMA means to you. Some questions to think about:
• where were you when you first heard the band? what was it about them that struck you?
• choose 3 songs, what do they mean to you? have they affected your life? what memories to they trigger when you hear them? how do you interpret the lyrics of these songs? or maybe the lyrics are irrelevant to you, it's just about the music?
• in your mind what makes NMA different from all the other bands?
You could have been following NMA for 30 years or just discovered them. You could be young or old, and it certainly doesn't matter where you are from or what langauge you speak (Charlotte speaks Polish and French). It would be helpful if you are on Skype but not essential, email is fine for starters. You just need to have something to say about New Model Army and don't mind being filmed. Also, if you know a great fan who may not have seen this post - please tell us about them!
Rather than posting replies on the forum it would be best if you could email us on:
Look forward to hearing from you all.
Matt Reid (Director)
Charlotte Marsden (Producer)