Stunned, only just picked up on this and took the edge off my Christmas. Anything that hurts the band hurts us all I think, but like someone else said on this thread earlier, we have a 30 year body of work to fall back on and will all be there when the band tour again. Probably more so as everyone rallies around.
But easier for us to stay positive I feel as we don't have to clear up and start again - although if the band send out an SOS, I am sure the south coast family will respond same as those elsewhere.
Justin would sound good on my Indie acoustic, let alone on a Lowden. Like OG I hope they recover the lyrics and that the tour equipment that wasn't unpacked is ok. But what do you say? Trying to put myself in the band's shoes but I just can't begin to imagine how they must feel. The guitars that were destroyed are part of the NMA heritage, the sound, the history, the whole thing. And Robert's drumkit. I don't have the words.
Sending out all the positive vibes I can muster, not the start to 2012 the band or the following would have wished for but the band's talent is such that they will prevail in whatever way they must.