Thanks Ray! No, I’ve never seen them live yet. But my co-worker is a very big fan and told me already. So yes, I am really looking forward… and yes again, of course we are going together.
I listened to the Sisters a lot many years back, but somehow lost touch with them at some point. Same happened by the way with the Army. It was not that I decided I don’t like them any longer, it was just I did not need them, but needed other music. When you know what I mean. Somewhere last summer, even before the “Winter”-album came out, I had this feeling, this urgent feeling to listen to the Army again. And it all came back. And with the Army all those other bands suddenly came back. Seems I need it right now. By the way, I’m going to see The Mission in November. I think their last album “Another Fall From Grace” is incredible good.
On a funny note, I met up with my dear cousin in Leipzig for the Army show last year. Since he is living so far away from me we do not talk about music so often any longer, but he is still very hard into The Cure and stuff like that and I always thought he brought me into, but he said (and actually could proof it) that it was me who started to get us into these bands. Funny because I always thought I started with German Punk bands and stayed there and it was him getting me into the “dark wave”.
Anyway, what was your question? Was there a question? ” I lost control again…”.