Author Topic: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW  (Read 265358 times)


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5625 on: April 06, 2022, 01:04:58 PM »
The Sound's "New Dark Age" - eerily prescient for a song written 40 years ago... :(

Incredible ending song from an incredible album...i've just found this band last year but Adrian Borland's songwriting made a big impression on me:


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5626 on: April 06, 2022, 01:09:17 PM »
''Crooked Tree'' new Molly Tuttle album finally arrived...........

The signed cd  from her official site?
I will buy her cd sooner or later but now i'm  a bit broken (money to keep for concerts in April/May!)

it is the album she was always destined to make (imho)..her most Country/Nashville record to date

Yes pure country/bluegrass! I also like the songs you named ("The river knows", "Castilleja", "Dooley's farm"..) but it may change because i haven't listened the album many times for the moment.  Maybe i'm wrong but it seems that the title track is about her disease Alopecia. My favourite song from her is still "Save this heart".
« Last Edit: April 06, 2022, 01:26:52 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5627 on: April 06, 2022, 03:21:00 PM »
No not the signed one....i also love that for a favourite ?  like all the artists i love they can and often change all the time... :)...


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5628 on: April 22, 2022, 01:11:20 PM »
Arnaud Rebotini's catchy haunting soundtrack for the great new Dario Argento's film OCCHIALI NERI (DARK GLASSES in English):


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5629 on: May 14, 2022, 12:24:38 PM »
The beautiful "Mad as a hatter" from the talented blues/rock band Larkin Poe:


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5630 on: June 29, 2022, 01:26:04 PM »
Sending good summer vibes to everyone!! 8)

Zeal&Ardor's frontman Manuel Cagneux said "I have also a Yacht Rock band now. Make of that what you will." ;D So here's a beautiful video to a song "Too Long" by Soft Captain:


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5631 on: June 30, 2022, 01:58:29 PM »
"Children of the light part II" new song from the underrated Meg Myers:


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5632 on: August 09, 2022, 10:06:28 AM »
Blyth Power's "Pastor Skull" - haven't listened to some of this for around 25 years, but it still sounds as good now. "Pandora's People" and "Breitenfeld" in particular.

While looking at other Blyth stuff on Youtube, saw some footage of recent gigs and had a moment of feeling old - the band now features Hugo Hatcher (joseph and Annie's son) on lead guitar, pretty sure the last time I saw them live he wasn't even born... :o
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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5633 on: September 11, 2022, 07:04:00 AM »
This year has been absolutely, outrageously amazing for new album releases... Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? A bit overwhelmed...
As a no surprise, I've been obsessed with Meshuggah's new album Immutable, which was released in April. I just don't have words, definitely one of their finest work, and so immutably Meshuggah. I won't even try to write anything about this. Oh dear, I love them so, so much....  :'(

The surprise this summer was the album Hiss by Singaporean grindcore band Wormrot - if you're into metal, check this one out, even if grindcore isn't normally on your menu :)

The thing that shouldn't have surprised me is that Psycroptic's new album Divine Council is ridiculously good - when I listened through it the first time, I just kept laughing because it kicked arse so hard. I've been a fan since I heard Symbols of Failure album, they definitely have a very unique sound and are the top masterclass in technical death metal. The true Tasmanian devils, gotta love them...

And something for non-metalheads: a wonderfully meditative album Saurian Apocalypse by Karl Sanders... if you're up for some Egyptian vibes :)


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5634 on: September 14, 2022, 08:49:17 AM »
Slightly more mellow listening here at Chez Ghosttrain.......''Stormbringer ''by John and Beverly Martin......followed by ''L.A.Turnaround''by Bert Jansch.....mmmmmm nice. 8)..


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5635 on: September 14, 2022, 11:00:38 AM »
After watching movie "Closer" (great movie btw) , i'm listening to "Unknown Pleasures" full album.


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5636 on: September 20, 2022, 11:17:57 AM »


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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5637 on: October 20, 2022, 11:44:21 AM »
After listening to Eliza Carthy on BBC Folk Show last night i decided to play my Imagined Village cd's. ''The Imagined Village'' '''Empire  & Love'' and ''Bending The Dark''....i probably have'nt played them for 3/4 years.....forgot how brilliant they were/are 8)...Are there any (non NMA albums) you have re-discovered recently?


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non NMA albums you have re-discovered...
« Reply #5638 on: October 21, 2022, 03:35:15 PM »
Are there any (non NMA albums) you have re-discovered recently?

Hey there Ghosttrain, how have you been? :)

I'm not really listening to much aside from NMA/JS' latest two albums  "From Here"  and  "Surrounded".  However, I've been itching and eyeballing like mad, too many musical goodies that can spotted over here!  Neil's got a shit load of great stuff coming or already out, music-wise.  I really, like really want to get the 50th anniversary edition of "Harvest", but I can't afford it this year.  It's one of my favourite albums of all time.  I've been lucky enough to have seen Neil play live twice -- with Crazy Horse -- and I balled my eyes out both times, cried liked a fcukin' little girl, non-stop for d-a-y-s.  ugh!  ugh!  ugh! :'(  Mr. Young is only one of two men who can effortlessly draw a steady stream, flood of tears out of me -- simply via their words and music.  And Ghosttrain, I reckon you can probably suss out who the other gentleman is, that can manage to do just that also.

I adore Neil's writing, playing, general persona.  I love it when it's just him, his harmonica, his guitar and or piano.  However, I love him most of all when Neil's around / playing with the guys from Crazy Horse.  They've got some pretty serious musical chemistry goin' on there, them guys.  Far more superior than, and beyond a sprinkling, dust of magic!  Utterly mind-blowing, gifted, brilliant!  Even still!! 8)

The 50th anniversary edition of "Harvest" is on my wishlist.  It's definitely the album I'll be playing come wintertime / the holidays.  I own the original CD version (can't stand vinyl, sorry vinyl lovers), but I don't want to miss out on this juiced-up, beefed-up CD+ reissue of the album.  It's been rough these past few years financially and otherwise... still is I'm afraid and not just for me, but for most folk I know as well, if not everyone, everywhere. :-[:'(

Anyway, are you into reissues at all, Ghosttrain?  Will you be looking to pick up the 50th anniversary edition of Neil Young's "Harvest" album? ???
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Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Reply #5639 on: October 22, 2022, 01:22:50 PM »
Hi, i only own a few reissues namely ''In The Land Of Grey And Pink'' 40th. Anniv. issue by Caravan plus 50th. issues of ''American Beauty'' and ''Working Mans Dead'' by Grateful Dead....i will not be buying Harvest for as much as i love the album (ducks for cover) it is not my favourite Neil album....yes it is a classic but my (somewhat unusual) choices to many ,are in no part.order....''Zuma'' ''On The Beach'' ''American Stars And Bars'' ''Tonights The Night'' ''Time Fades Away'' i prefer ''After The Goldrush'' to ''Harvest'',but each to their would be a pretty dull world if we all did'nt have different tastes/opinions on things.. 8)..
« Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 01:25:17 PM by Ghosttrain »