oh dear...keith hopelessly out of his depth, terrible editing and overdubs to try and save him. NG as ever remained reasoned! This was an awfully botched attempt by C4 to get across how bad the BNP are.
Probably the worst editing on a tv show ever. It was so biased and ill thought out that you almost sympathised with GRIFFIN!. in his excuse for an argument K.A was forced to back down on issues, attempted to blind him with his poor ukelele skills. What the **** was this program designed to achieve?
I said...almost sympathise!
NG was not taken to task at all. One part of the footage shows his members being attacked and spat at, but they tried to cover over it with a piece of overdub! The man is joke, who thought he could come out of this well being so ill prepared and ignorant!
Terrible piece of tv and if nothing helped the BNP....