Author Topic: keith allen meets nick griffin C4  (Read 1084 times)


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keith allen meets nick griffin C4
« on: March 05, 2012, 11:46:38 PM »
oh dear...keith hopelessly out of his depth, terrible editing and overdubs to try and save him. NG as ever remained reasoned! This was an awfully botched attempt by C4 to get across how bad the BNP are.

Probably the worst editing on a tv show ever. It was so biased and ill thought out  that you almost sympathised with GRIFFIN!. in his excuse for an argument K.A was forced to back down on issues, attempted to blind him with his poor ukelele skills. What the **** was this program designed to achieve?

I said...almost sympathise!

NG was not taken to task at all. One part of the footage shows his members being attacked and spat at, but they tried to cover over it with a piece of overdub! The man is joke, who thought he could come out of this well being  so ill prepared and ignorant!

Terrible piece of tv and if nothing helped the BNP....
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Re: keith allen meets nick griffin C4
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2012, 11:48:48 PM »
if nothing ELSE helped the BNP.

Keith Allen should have stuck to getting pissed up
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declan cowdrey

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Re: keith allen meets nick griffin C4
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 07:52:04 AM »
should have just hit him with the ukelele
would have been better television!
i couldnt see the point of this programme either.


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Re: keith allen meets nick griffin C4
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2012, 08:03:57 AM »
Awful, wasn't it? Interesting to read Keith Allen's take on how C4 was reluctant to want to broadcast -
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Re: keith allen meets nick griffin C4
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2012, 09:05:20 AM »
I watched it and thought it was complete shit. The only good bit was watching the BNP disintergrate with the row between NG and the old bint who's been on every BNP program ever..... She's a poisonous vile bit of work, but at least she was giving old Nick rck all fer a change.......
The whole uke' thing was pitiful........ They might aswell have sent Lilly Allen to interview the leading light of the right....... pitiful tv..........
There was more milage to be made from them being ignored in Oldham...... Oh and THE FILM CREW asked those disabled folks to move so they could film? ******* scandalous........ They even tried feebly to make some anti-disability point over it? What the **** were they on, K A said THEY asked the poor sods to move! Un bloody real........ What was the point........
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Re: keith allen meets nick griffin C4
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2012, 11:19:21 AM »
Glad I missed this. I can't really see the point in giving Griffin the oxygen of publicity when the BNP are in free fall? Also anyone taking him on should know their subject inside out. I remember Mark Lamar trying (and failing miserably) to poke fun at former NF leader Martin Webster many years ago. It was the most cringing bit of TV ever. Webster wiped the floor with him....
The lady's not returning....

declan cowdrey

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Re: keith allen meets nick griffin C4
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2012, 09:35:31 PM »
yep.....have to say nick done pretty much the same with our ukelele wielding friend :-\