Author Topic: Here come's the summer!  (Read 1049 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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Here come's the summer!
« on: March 10, 2012, 05:09:04 PM »
This afternoon, we went out onto the roof (our house has a small flat roof over an extension, quite high up), and we took a bottle of champagne up to celebrate my wife’s birthday, and I took a 4-pack of beers up  – for no other reason than I fancied  a few beers!  And we just spent a couple of hours looking out over the harbour and the sea, just talking about whatever, a mixture of the serious and the less serious, and it felt so good because for the first time this year it started to feel a bit warmer and a bit like there was more to being alive than getting up in the darkness, going to work, drudging away, going home in the dark, turning the lights on, watching TV, chatting, maybe nipping to the pub or for a meal (in the dark) and so on. We looked up and there was clear blue sky, like we hadn’t seen it for months, and everything felt a bit more relaxed and a bit more..... just good! ... Somehow, whatever is going on that you need to deal with in your life (and every last one of us has those things) somehow the longer days and the warmer air just makes everything feel kind of, well, just a little bit better and more manageable!  :)

Personally I have found this winter much harder than most  – my wife and I had a wonderful holiday and visit to her folks in Jamaica in November, there was the October mini-tour and the December Koln and Amsterdam gigs, and for us a trip to see UK family for Christmas...  So Maybe it was because I was having such a good time at the back-end of last year that the start of this one has felt so rough - so dreary and miserable – but maybe that’s just me...  so glad now that Summer is on its way, whatever it may bring... no joking I feel like running outside, screaming out loud ‘thank f*ck, Winter’s over – here comes the Summer!’   ;D ;D

Would like to hear anyone else’s feelings about the changing seasons....   


  • Totally Obsessed
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Re: Here come's the summer!
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2012, 06:11:54 PM »
Glad you had such a great afternoon mate.

I love all four seasons:

Winter - I sleep better and honestly don't mind the darkness at night and the cold - it does grate a bit in the morning though. Pubs are better in the winter!

Spring - warmth and new beginnings - probably the most optimistic season I reckon. Great to see things growing.

Summer - long nights outside, beautiful light, warm mornings, holidays...

Autumn - most beautiful season (not meaning to plagiarise a certain song!)....and the annual NMA tour!

I really couldn't pick a favourite or even a least favourite.
.                                                                               I'm just a country mile behind the world...


  • Totally Obsessed
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Re: Here come's the summer!
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2012, 06:58:44 PM »
Winter - I sleep better and honestly don't mind the darkness at night and the cold - it does grate a bit in the morning though. Pubs are better in the winter!
Actually, although the older I get the less I like the winter, there is something about going in the pub in winter and 'battening down the hatches' that makes it feel good. In that Irish pub after the Melkweg in December, it was surreal, the colder it felt outside, the warmer and more comforting it felt inside. We were sat upstairs on the balcony and taking pictures of each other and talking nonsense (well - I was, anyway!), and just for a few moments it felt like every happy Xmas film you see on TV where everyoyone is happy and celebrating, and different people and groups walk in from the snow and the cold outside and join in some kind of communal moment - hard to describe but a good feeling anyway  :)


  • Totally Obsessed
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Re: Here come's the summer!
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2012, 07:39:51 PM »
I'm really only a warm-weather person these days - can't really abide winter at all.

I like summer as it's so much easier to entertain my daughter and her friends - particularly living so close to the sea.  They absolutely love it - can get a car full of them and they'll be quite happy all day on the beach and the surrounding area.  There's the chance to go UK diving too, although even in summer our waters tend to be a bit grim!  ;D

Where I now live is all very rural so there's loads of farmland, woodland and generally nice walks between one village and another - stopping to sit outside in the local village pub of course before heading on.  A lot of the Kentish countryside is very pretty so really comes into its own during summer. 


  • Totally Obsessed
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Re: Here come's the summer!
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2012, 12:29:55 PM »
myself, I thoroughly hate the heat, really can't stand it, and consequently don't like the summer, other than for the fact that it's when I normally go on holiday. Spring's ok but only if we've had a decent, COLD winter... which this year we didn't have; in fact, we didnt have a winter at all, it was a ******* joke - fortunately we had the chance to go to northern Norway for a few days last month, so I got my fix of snow and ice (and we saw the northern lights!)

Winter as you can imagine from the above I like, although this whole global warming thing that neocons and daily mail readers keep insisting doesn't exist is pretty much taking it away from me. My favourite season is deffo autumn though, I love everything of it: the air getting chillier, the days getting shorter, the leaves, the colours...

oh well, only another 6-8 months of bloody hot, never ending days, then we'll get back to a decent time of the year  ;)