Hey nice one
Had not seen that NBC interview before so thanks for the heads up

Have to say thought it was an excellent interview and as previously said I felt the interviewer was actually really interested , may not have been 100 percent clued up on the band but was asking sensible questions and in most actually giving JS the chance to answer them .
Regarding "prim and proper" .. well yeah a bit but that "uniform" it goes with the job doesn't it .She seems allright actually
I have a sneaky suspicion that she was having a great time re-living some memories of her undergraduate days in some way or another and I would further suggest she went off and bought the albums after the show and the back catalogue too .. just a feeling I have ..Who knows she may have been at one of the recent 30th London gigs for old time sake or may be a loyal fan since the interview and goes every year ..
ya kin never tell can ya !