hi my friend,
are you the other guy who did the crazy high bids so that i had to go higher and higher for those very rare records.
and yes i´am on the board. 
i got also last week the purity acetate 12" pressing and the poison street acetate 7"pressing.
so my budget is empty, ..........maybe 
of course it was you and of course it was me !!

well, I was afraid that a third person could be also in the "competition"

dear Thomas, why weren't you DJ'ing that night ?!

I was really interested in the BNW record, not very much in the No Rest one.
so after all your winning auctions, you can leave this "All of This" acetate for me ... ?

without joking, congrats for these new treasures. Ebay was so quiet the last few months ... and now 3 or 4 interesting items at a crazy price !
I can't find the other auctions you were talking about Purity and Poison street, can you send me photos or links to them ? (maybe in PM) I'm curious to see them, you know !