Spot on as usual Pumpkin!
In the end these people dont give a flying f**k about the people they represent, or indeed people generally. They are egotistical, perma tanned actors. Galloway is easily at home supporting whatever cause will get him elected as playing a bloody cat on Big Brother. There is something terribly sociopathic about him, and lets be fair, about 2/3 of all MPs.
In the end whether right or left wing, the people who really should be MPs are too busy doing other stuff...because they can! (That is us as well folks!) :-)
I wasnt trying to have a go at Guy, but I was surprised as he isnt a stupid chap, that he would rejoice that someone has "put one over" on "the man", by cynically targetting an issue and a body of voters. As the BNP and other odious groups can also be seen to have done that. That was all.
Personally I think we need to remove the politics from politics. This right wing/left wing, lets make everyone the same (or "Fairness" as Clegg bats on about....which means different things to different people) when everyone is an individual and has their own skills and life outlooks etc. Its dead and rotting.
We need a new, anti-dogma, anti-flag waving, anti-one issue campaigners look at it and to create a new paradigm that removes politicing and politics, but serves everyone; the poor, the aspirers, the geniuses, the feckless, the industrious, the intellectuals, the not too intellectual etc.
And Galloway, Benn, Redwood et all are NOT part of the solution, they are the large stools blocking the pipework!!!! :-)