Author Topic: Anneke van Giersbergen & Agua de Annique  (Read 1389 times)


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Anneke van Giersbergen & Agua de Annique
« on: April 14, 2012, 12:55:54 PM »
Does anyone like/love this dutch singer, in The Gathering a few years ago and then solo? I do!!! I love her delicate voice and compositions, there is much talent and sensitivity in her work...

She and her band will be on a european tour this year, first in continental Europe (april to june), then in the UK (september):


For those who want to know what it sounds like:

« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 05:42:14 PM by Viv Savage »


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Re: Anneke van Giersbergen & Agua de Annique
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 06:52:36 PM »
love it, i hope you get to support NMA someday very soon.
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Re: Anneke van Giersbergen & Agua de Annique
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 12:51:35 PM »
The french Montpellier concert was really great -- simply! Most of the tracks came from her latest album, but they also played songs from her previous albums, then 2 (3?) tracks from (when she sung in) THE GATHERING, and specifically the most famous "saturnine" that confirmed its popularity among the crowd...

The 1st guests, KILL FERELLI (Netherlands / pop rock), were not bad but... I wasn't convinced.

The 2nd guests, FRAMES (Germany / prog/post rock), were really good. They're young, but undoubtedly talentuous. There is no singer, it's just instrumental, but it's atmospheric and they can send you very far thanks to rich compositions.


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Re: Anneke van Giersbergen & Agua de Annique
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2017, 04:55:37 PM »
Does anyone like/love this dutch singer, in The Gathering a few years ago and then solo? I do!!! I love her delicate voice and compositions, there is much talent and sensitivity in her work...

Which are the best albums to recommend from this singer?
I've listened a few of her songs like "Physical" and "the world" and i really liked them, so i would like to know more of her works in her various bands...thanks! ;)


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Re: Anneke van Giersbergen & Agua de Annique
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2017, 10:11:52 PM »
Oh, Gathering, yes indeed. Great band!

Well forgive me but I only listened to them until their third album "How to measure a planet" . But the album that made an impact to me was called Mandylion. Have to admit I was very lucky to see them live at Roskilde in -97. Gotta love Anneke's beautiful voice, pounding double bassdrums, and doom oriented slow guitars. If I recall right they're Danish, and rumours said they originally started as a death metal act. If my memory serves right I think that the "planet album" was a bit more experimental. Recommended. However I don't have an idea what they're up to nowadays...

Here's a full album upload of Mandylion:

EDIT: Ok, I see they're Durch, not Danish. That makes sense as Netherlanders have always had a distinctive doom metal tradition. 
« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 08:20:00 AM by Rusco »
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Re: Anneke van Giersbergen & Agua de Annique
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2018, 09:14:36 AM »
I would love to see her on live, Miss Van Giersbergen!

Here are some others tracks i enjoy from her and her bands...:

"Shortest day":

"Waking hour"...fantastic voice:




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Re: Anneke van Giersbergen & Agua de Annique
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2018, 02:49:41 PM »
I never really bother to look at what interests other people musically on the forum but for some strange reason I followed one of the links to one of the YouTube videos.  I then chanced upon the Dead Can Dance cover of The Earth Is My Witness by The Gathering and was totally hooked, I absolutely love it and can't stop playing it.  I finally managed to track down a compilation CD that it is on on Ebay and bought a copy.  I'm not really into female vocalists or bands with said singers either but what an amazing voice Miss Van Giersbergen has, hauntingly beautiful.   


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Re: Anneke van Giersbergen & Agua de Annique
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2022, 12:46:32 PM »
The french Montpellier concert was really great -- simply! Most of the tracks came from her latest album, but they also played songs from her previous albums, then 2 (3?) tracks from (when she sung in) THE GATHERING, and specifically the most famous "saturnine" that confirmed its popularity among the crowd...

Anneke is touring this month in Europa: