I am absolutely thrilled to have stumbled upon this
incredibly insightful,
highly inspirational,
true gem of a thread. I know it's been close to
11 years since this thread saw some action, but I'm just learning about things here, now. Although I joined this forum back in 2005 --
(was under a different moniker then) -- I wasn't here when this thread was originally created, posted back in July of 2012.
I was off for seven very hard, long, dark and difficult years. Was gone from end of 2010 to December 2017. Too long and personal a story to get into on here. As that achingly gorgeous, utterly beautiful, sacred soul sings... 'So slow to grow and slower to heal'. xHaving been born too late and on the wrong side of the
water (the Atlantic), I don't know much -- if anything at all -- about pre 2005
JS&co. tours / shows. I completely understand that it may be too huge of a request, but are any of you here
(reading this post), able to go into further detail about this particularly intriguing
(to me), semi-acoustic
JS&co. concert? Please,

jump in and share whatever bits and bobs you're able to recall.
Anyone know the 1994 Brockwell Park setlist, songs NMA/JS&co. played? 2.
Happen to know the exact date it took place, etc.? 3.
Was NMA/JS' set recorded? Video or (audio) tape? 4.
Was Killing Joke on the same 1994 Brockwell Park line up? 5.
Besides those previously mentioned, which other recording artists were on the same bill? Who played which stage?I'd especially love learn / read more about
JS&co.'s 1994 Brockwell Park performance. Genuinely hoping folk who were there can further help, add to this here thread, space. I really appreciate this kind of stuff. Quite
a lot, actually.
In good faith...
Justin did indeed play a solo(ish) acoustic gig (with Rob and?) and pulled by far the biggest crowd that the acoustic stage had that day.
As the gullible twerp who risked insanity by agreeing to organise the event it was down to me to book the bands. Much as I would have loved a main stage headlined by New Model Army, with support from Killing Joke and The Pixies, I was under pressure to book a bill that NME (our main advocates) would be happy with. It was also important to have an event that was culturally diverse. The Levellers and the Manics ended up headlining above various funk/rap/bhangra & dub acts. Also Billy Bragg.
Justin and Attilla were the main reason we went with a second stage as the event would not have seemed complete without them. I also want to create a space where many of the artists, poets and musicians who supported the Anti Nazi League could participate in the event. Though I only organised the stage once Tommy had confirmed Justin.
It was a nerve wracking day for me and Justin's set was the only one I watched from start to finish. I don't think I'd ever put myself through that again. But it was a useful way to spend my time while awaiting trial for section 2 of the public order act.

'nerve-wracking' -- and, I imagine, most likely / predominantly chaotic, fast paced, and down-to-the-wire tense, stressful, and tiring at times -- what a
truly amazing accomplishment and experience to have had there, Guy! Heartfelt kudos, accolades,
immense love and gratitude to you, Guy! It must've been absolutely surreal, soulful, enriching, profound, rewarding, maybe even cathartic too. But what a gift it was! What
a gift!! How awesome,
brilliant!!! Thrilled you took time out of your day to post and share all that seriously cool information, those incredibly inspiring details.

But above all, Guy, thank you
so much for loving
JS' work as much as you do!
You waited for
JS (to accept the gig via Mr. Tee),
made special arrangements to bring in another stage just to accommodate and thus, in effect, acknowledge and validate
JS&co. Then, out of all of the performers there that day, Guy, you chose to
only catch Mr.
Sullivan's set, from beginning to end. I have to say, as a die-hard, devout
JS aficionado myself, that's just fcukin' beautiful to learn, discover, see.
SO b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l indeed.

tears of joy... tears of joy.Cheers!
Just in case... the resurrection of this thread was not intended to upset anyone,
especially, especially those in or around NMA/JS.
Thank you.