Going back to the theme of the post ---
Thanks for the replies so far. Some interesting comments. Perhaps I should not have over egged the blazing house scenario. Maybe I should have gone more for a desert Island disc theme -- which album would you take with you if you could take only one?? - vinyl or disk..
For me, it is and always has been No Rest For The Wicked. When I first gave NMA a go, a chap called Barty lent me the first four LPs, and No Rest For The Wicked made an impression on me straight away. Some very strong lyrics picking up on the darker side of society of the time, a selfish consumer based society of the mid 1980s.
For the second half of 1989 I was on the dole. At that time, I used to play the album every day, and connected with the lyrics. Particularly - Frightened, Young Gifted and Skint, and Drag it Down.
Also, has my favourite NMA song, Better Than Them. Great tune, and great lyrics. I could relate to the characters in the song sitting in their corner of the pub being looked down on by the group of local clones, or residing students
No Rest strikes a cord with me also, being a life long insomniac, I am often "Turning over turning round" at 4 in the morning.
For me, a great album. Love it now as much as I did over 20 years ago. Strong tunes with deep lyrics. A product of the under class of Thatchers 1980s Britain