Author Topic: Whatever makes you happy..  (Read 91225 times)


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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1860 on: June 28, 2022, 11:17:40 AM »
My Son got a first for his degree today, proud parent  :)




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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1861 on: June 29, 2022, 01:02:45 PM »
Jc, congratulations to your son and to the proud parent!! :)


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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1862 on: July 01, 2022, 10:29:03 AM »
Waiting in line at the till of supermarket this morning when a voice from across another aisle said ''Nice T shirt '' (i was wearing classic NMA Logo shirt).I said thanks,when i got outside of the shop he was waiting and we had a good long chat about the band(i did'nt know the guy)...there are a few fans of the band here on ''The Rock'' that i know of.....he made me laugh when i said i had't seen them for about five years...........he has'nt seen them for thirty..  :o.... :)....
« Last Edit: July 01, 2022, 10:30:44 AM by Ghosttrain »


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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1863 on: July 04, 2022, 02:59:26 PM »
Things that made me happy lately?
Woohoo...Karma doing her best work - as it should be, that's awesome!  :)

JC, congratulations to your son, very well done.  :)

And how cool is it to unexpectedly meet someone who shares your taste in it when that happens.

Me, I am only medium happy today - first day back at work after 2 weeks off.  ;) It isn't too bad, though.

Also very happy that my dad made it through a very severy heart surgery...totally unexpected as well. At almost 78 he has always been fit as the proverbial fiddle and it was onyl by accident that it turned out he could literally have dropped dead any second!  :o Needless to say I am super happy and grateful it was discovered in time and he has made it through the whole procedure without major setbacks. It was tough, he is not one to complain so when he means something. Worst thing is that he has not been able to sleep much for almost 2 weeks now.
He's starting his rehab on Thursday, hopefully they will be able to help him with that!


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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1864 on: July 05, 2022, 04:12:55 AM »
@Ghosttrain, now THAT'S an awesome way to meet someone!! I love those moments when a band t-shirt unites people 8) Sounds like he was a nice dude, hope you'll bump into him again in the future  :)

@Stephanie, so glad to hear your father's doing fine! Send the very best wishes to him :) And thanks, perhaps I've managed to collect some good karma -points :) I have an annoying tendency to get suspicious when things are rolling too smooth, like, where's the catch? Sure there must be something nasty waiting around the corner..? ;D Anyhow, trying to enjoy while it lasts. Hopefully you got a chance to recharge properly on your two weeks off... at least enough to keep you medium happy at work for a while :)


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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1865 on: July 07, 2022, 09:46:35 PM »
Finally seeing the back of Boris Johnson. Good riddance! Plenty more idiots where he came from, sadly.


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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1866 on: November 13, 2022, 02:05:56 PM »
Books, music, everything tastes so good of late... I've decided not to succumb into pessimism, just waiting when crap hits the fan, but to enjoy while it lasts ;D It's been incredible, and once more I want to thank you jc: was awesome meeting you in Prague, and thanks for introducing me to a bunch of new people, you made the weekend in my hometown memorable!! :)

The awesomeness continues... I'm about to head to Futurum club, going to see Decapitated first time in a club gig! I'm a huge fan, seen them quite a few times but always at festivals. What a killer live band... 8) Three times, I actually had a ticket to see them in a club, three times events took an unfortunate turn and those were cancelled. Today is the day!!! Lineup also includes Distant and Despised Icon, looking forward for those too, plus two bands I'm not familiar with but ready to be positively surprised  8)

On tuesday morning, train to Vienna, ready for some more NMA and hopefully meeting more amazing people 8)
Wednesday, back to Prague, heading directly to my colleague's farewell party.. Thursday, 12 hour nightshift... On Friday, grindcore madness in Rock Café in form of Gutalax, Benighted, Spasm and Guineapig... I told my colleague that if I'm alive & well when arriving to nighshift on Saturday, I'll be amazed. Sometimes, I start feeling old ;D

I hope all of you are doing well! Promising to return back here soon... :)


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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1867 on: November 14, 2022, 06:06:21 PM »
Thanks to T for showing me around Prague it was so nice meeting you and your friends, it was fun looking around the abandoned house.

Hope Decapitated were on form and wishing you a great time in Vienna. it makes me happy that we can meet new friends and have adventures.




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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1868 on: December 16, 2022, 09:55:21 AM »
Last night I learned about Germany's issues with trains in a hard way... Cannot even start describing the mess! Also the flight from Prague was delayed. But during all those twists and turns I met many people who were equally lost so didn't need to endure it alone, it warms you from inside when you're freezing stiff in company ;D Made me very happy to finally arrive to Cologne after two at night and crawl to my warm hostel bed. Now well rested, ready for the gigs... Hoping to see some familiar faces and meet new people! :)


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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1869 on: February 09, 2023, 10:01:48 AM »
Oh yeah...public transport in Germany - they will have to improve that A LOT before I'll even begin to consider using it.  :D

Glad you still made it, though - sadly, due to illness, me and my friend missed the 2 gigs after so many years of waiting. We did enjoy the live stream, though.

A thing that makes me happy...after our almost 17-year old dog passed away last year we had decided that the 4 dogs that remained were plenty (we do habe a few guinea pigs and rabbits as well  8) )

What can I say...working for a rescue organisation is great...and dangerous.

in March, another new dog is moving in, I know we are mad and all...but it does make us happy - just hope it'll go fairly smoothly.  ;D


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Re: Whatever makes you happy..
« Reply #1870 on: November 02, 2023, 09:03:15 PM »
Thing that makes me happy right now and in future... I just learned about NMA's new album and the tour - the tour!! I will be able to join two gigs, in Vienna and Berlin. But those are not the only gigs in March for me! I don't know how many times in a lifetime it can happen, when you have two all-time-favourite bands ever, that you'll be able to see both of your favourite bands, both twice, within two weeks!!!! That's too much of the good thing!! :D
It'll be NMA in Vienna on 6th of March, returning to Prague the next day where Meshuggah will return after ~six years on 8th... And as I already had the ticket to Meshuggah in Berlin on 16th of March, guess how happy I was to learn that by adding two nights to my stay there, I'll be able to catch NMA on 13th!! There's no happy crying smiley on the menu here, so I just need to announce that that was what I did when I heard the news - I laughed and cried at the same time. I'm in love with the universe again. :)