Books, music, everything tastes so good of late... I've decided not to succumb into pessimism, just waiting when crap hits the fan, but to enjoy while it lasts

It's been incredible, and once more I want to thank you jc: was awesome meeting you in Prague, and thanks for introducing me to a bunch of new people, you made the weekend in my hometown memorable!!

The awesomeness continues... I'm about to head to Futurum club, going to see Decapitated first time in a club gig! I'm a huge fan, seen them quite a few times but always at festivals. What a killer live band...

Three times, I actually had a ticket to see them in a club, three times events took an unfortunate turn and those were cancelled. Today is the day!!! Lineup also includes Distant and Despised Icon, looking forward for those too, plus two bands I'm not familiar with but ready to be positively surprised

On tuesday morning, train to Vienna, ready for some more NMA and hopefully meeting more amazing people

Wednesday, back to Prague, heading directly to my colleague's farewell party.. Thursday, 12 hour nightshift... On Friday, grindcore madness in Rock Café in form of Gutalax, Benighted, Spasm and Guineapig... I told my colleague that if I'm alive & well when arriving to nighshift on Saturday, I'll be amazed. Sometimes, I start feeling old

I hope all of you are doing well! Promising to return back here soon...