thats a little cryptic ray
guess its a funny the end
Not a funny story, mate, but one that was a bit worrying at the time... me and my mate, during our Chicago holiday, were coming back from a baseball game, a few beers inside us, and some guy who called himself 'the shoeshine man' blocked us off and started trying to 'shine our shoes' despite repeated requests for him not to... once he got a couple of swipes on our shoes, he started demanding money and when we refused, he turned it into an angry shouting racial issue (he was a black lad...)... looked like it could turn out a bit nasty but he eventually fucked off, shouting about white people (um, a reverse racial issue?)... bit worrying if you're in the US and you have it, in the back of your mind, that guns are legal there...

Anyway, this is supposed to be a 'happy' thread... my out-of-work situation looks like it might get better in the next couple of weeks... God knows I need it, cash is well tight right now...