Ach he probably knew his sister was a slag (Deirdre by chance) lol, joking aside made my first ever 1 litre bottle of e liquid yesterday, you buy the litre bottle about 20% full of concentrate and add your own vg pg and Nic . Cost about £35 all in to make (3mg strength Nic) . It needs to 'steep' for at least a couple of weeks so will report back. Crazily this is most e liquid suppliers way around the tpd , your only allowed to sell nicotine containing liquids in 10ml bottles come May, so people have started selling its separate components n you mix it yourself. Anyone interested give me a shout now is the time to buy your nicotine as its still available in large bottles at 72mg (will be 18mg max n 10ml bottles only come 20/5/17 ) . Its so easy to do n plenty of videos available.