Author Topic: Whatever makes you sad..  (Read 46368 times)


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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2013, 09:46:03 AM »
this stopped me dead, on the page:

"He stood hat in hand over the unmarked earth. This woman who had worked for his family fifty years. She had cared for his mother as a baby and she had worked for his family long before his mother was born and she had known and cared for the wild Grady boys who were his mother's uncles and who had all died so long ago and he stood holding his hat and he called her his abuela and he said goodbye to her in Spanish and then turned and put on his hat and turned his wet face to the wind and for a moment he held out his hands as if to steady himself or as if to bless the ground there or perhaps as if to slow the world that was rushing away and seemed to care nothing for the old or the young or rich or poor or dark or pale or he or she. Nothing for their struggles, nothing for their names. Nothing for the living or the dead."

- from All The Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy
bah.  humbug.


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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2013, 04:56:51 AM »
 :( Insomnia  :o


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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2013, 04:45:06 PM »
Went to two different WH smiths today, neither had the new mag in stock  >:( :( :'(

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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2013, 06:35:52 PM »
Casual cruelty I get on a daily basis just for being me - really that applies to anyone who doesn't fit into a nice little "normal" box.
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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2013, 06:57:40 PM »
Went to two different WH smiths today, neither had the new mag in stock  >:( :( :'(

Mate, I'm dying to get hold of that magazine, if you get a lead, let me know.

I have no ill will against WH Smiths.  The amount of time I spend in there reading magazines for free and they NEVER bother me about it...  ;D

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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2013, 12:54:18 PM »
Ian Watkins.

Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2013, 05:57:36 AM »
as Darwin pointed out, all animals are on the verge of freezing to death, starving to death, dying of thirst or being eaten by another animal, doesn't sound very free & happy to me - apparently this is what annoyed the church more than his theory of evolution, that god (in the eyes of the church) would allow this to be the case
This is something that annoys the hell out of me on a regular basis. Last night I was watching some polar bear special where this Scottish git followed a mother and two cubs for a year or two (missed the first half) and basically watched them die in the end, doing nothing to help them. The best thing we could do to any endangered species is to domesitcate it. Why do you think domestic animals live twice as long as their wild brethren? Pet bears would have much happier lives than those poor bloody things did - I can think of no worse way to die than starvation.


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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2013, 06:47:51 AM »
Going to work on a Monday morning after having a lovely weekend doing nothing but playing with my little 3 year boy and watching The Incredibles and Madagascar 3
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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2013, 07:19:35 AM »
as Darwin pointed out, all animals are on the verge of freezing to death, starving to death, dying of thirst or being eaten by another animal, doesn't sound very free & happy to me - apparently this is what annoyed the church more than his theory of evolution, that god (in the eyes of the church) would allow this to be the case
This is something that annoys the hell out of me on a regular basis. Last night I was watching some polar bear special where this Scottish git followed a mother and two cubs for a year or two (missed the first half) and basically watched them die in the end, doing nothing to help them. The best thing we could do to any endangered species is to domesitcate it. Why do you think domestic animals live twice as long as their wild brethren? Pet bears would have much happier lives than those poor bloody things did - I can think of no worse way to die than starvation.
that happens all the time in the wild and not because of man all the time, these wildlife documentory makers have a policy of not interferring and letting nature take its course.
for example, in canada (going back to before white man invaded) there would be a population explosion in the snow hares, then there would be the same in the predator populations who would then eat the hares causing a massive population decrease which would result in a population decrease in the predators, because there was nothing to eat. the first nation people would know the cycle of these events as it also happened with deer & elk etc etc
as for your idea about domesticating endangered species, if we were to let them live without eating them or using them some way in the food industry then they would take up farmland lowering the yield of meat, cereal crops, fruit etc and that would mean less food for humans, similar to the debat on bio fuels
i know what you are saying about domesticed animals, this is why cats & dogs are now living longer (on the whole), i am aware of the destruction of the natural world by man but what i was originally pointing out was that starvation, being eaten, freezing to death is just part of 'wild' life, if wild animals have a long healthy life they end up starving to death because their teeth wear out or become too old to hunt, it's just the way it is


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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2013, 11:50:32 PM »
Human population is an entirely different discussion, one that I fear we will not have until it is far too late.


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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2013, 12:42:53 AM »
still being awake at almost 2am and wondering if the thing you've worked most of your life to achieve is even worth it, anymore.
No one cares anymore where you've been
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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2013, 01:19:25 AM »
Blimey Sozbot, anything your friends here can help you with ??


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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2013, 01:24:19 AM »
cheers mate... probably just being over-dramatic. Comes with the territory. My positive attitude will come back from its holiday soon.
No one cares anymore where you've been
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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2013, 01:34:57 AM »
Maybe its been off with NMA on the Euro tour ? wish I had been with it. Some lovely cities to have visited, and some decent music to  :D


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Re: Whatever makes you sad..
« Reply #29 on: October 15, 2013, 11:07:17 AM »
I wish I'd been with it, too! Then it probably wouldn't have gone on holiday without me. Oh wait, that doesn't make any sense... Back to normal, then.  ;D
No one cares anymore where you've been
So you find a quiet place to shed that old skin
You won't need it again