as Darwin pointed out, all animals are on the verge of freezing to death, starving to death, dying of thirst or being eaten by another animal, doesn't sound very free & happy to me - apparently this is what annoyed the church more than his theory of evolution, that god (in the eyes of the church) would allow this to be the case
This is something that annoys the hell out of me on a regular basis. Last night I was watching some polar bear special where this Scottish git followed a mother and two cubs for a year or two (missed the first half) and basically watched them die in the end, doing nothing to help them. The best thing we could do to any endangered species is to domesitcate it. Why do you think domestic animals live twice as long as their wild brethren? Pet bears would have much happier lives than those poor bloody things did - I can think of no worse way to die than starvation.
that happens all the time in the wild and not because of man all the time, these wildlife documentory makers have a policy of not interferring and letting nature take its course.
for example, in canada (going back to before white man invaded) there would be a population explosion in the snow hares, then there would be the same in the predator populations who would then eat the hares causing a massive population decrease which would result in a population decrease in the predators, because there was nothing to eat. the first nation people would know the cycle of these events as it also happened with deer & elk etc etc
as for your idea about domesticating endangered species, if we were to let them live without eating them or using them some way in the food industry then they would take up farmland lowering the yield of meat, cereal crops, fruit etc and that would mean less food for humans, similar to the debat on bio fuels
i know what you are saying about domesticed animals, this is why cats & dogs are now living longer (on the whole), i am aware of the destruction of the natural world by man but what i was originally pointing out was that starvation, being eaten, freezing to death is just part of 'wild' life, if wild animals have a long healthy life they end up starving to death because their teeth wear out or become too old to hunt, it's just the way it is