My sad thing for today? Finally coming to the realisation that a friendship you've had brewing for the last couple of years has come to nothing. This is someone who I worked with, spent a lot of time on a University course (paid for by our work), much travelling and studying time and a whole lot of lunchtime / email / texts-based laughs... she was going through a bad break-up and other personal issues, I was the reassuring friend/ voice of reassurance / shoulder to cry on, etc...
... and now her life is so much better (and my life has taken a great big turn for the worst and she knows it), no more contact from her, despite my messages. Lots of her being posted in on FB threads about all the fun times she's out having...

People can be really, really shit, can't they?

(present company excluded, obviously...)
Sorry for the melancholy post, having one of those days. My normal terrible attempts at humour will be resumed shortly.