In this internet age, I think it's very unlikely that the new album will go unheard until the 23rd of September... copies have been sent to music magazines for review purposes and it only takes one person to get hold of a copy and shove it onto Youtube and then it goes onto other sites...
Now, I'm not talking about downloading it for free... that's right out, IMO and also in the opinion of most fellow NMA-ers. As soon as The Shop puts it on sale, my order will be in. I'm talking about listening to it a week or two before that little package drops through your letterbox.
My opinion? I want the CD in my hot little hands, I want to see what Joolz has come up with, I want to settle back on my sofa and truly get to grip with whatever the guys have come up with this time. Back in the day, I used to take the day off whenever a NMA album came off so I could really get to grips with it!
But I can't deny that if I've had a couple of beers and I google NMA and I see BDAW available to listen to for free, I might not be able to resist temptation....
Again, this is not condoning illegal downloading, I'll be buying the album, I'll see the lads as many times as I can, I'll be buying merchandise...
I seem to remember that when TIAGD came out, there was a rather heated debate about free music being available on the 'net...
Opinions, guys and girls..?