Author Topic: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?  (Read 4932 times)

Master Ray

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If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« on: August 04, 2013, 07:34:23 PM »
In this internet age, I think it's very unlikely that the new album will go unheard until the 23rd of September... copies have been sent to music magazines for review purposes and it only takes one person to get hold of a copy and shove it onto Youtube and then it goes onto other sites...

Now, I'm not talking about downloading it for free... that's right out, IMO and also in the opinion of most fellow NMA-ers.  As soon as The Shop puts it on sale, my order will be in.  I'm talking about listening to it a week or two before that little package drops through your letterbox.

My opinion?  I want the CD in my hot little hands, I want to see what Joolz has come up with, I want to settle back on my sofa and truly get to grip with whatever the guys have come up with this time.  Back in the day, I used to take the day off whenever a NMA album came off so I could really get to grips with it!

But I can't deny that if I've had a couple of beers and I google NMA and I see BDAW available to listen to for free, I might not be able to resist temptation....

Again, this is not condoning illegal downloading, I'll be buying the album, I'll see the lads as many times as I can, I'll be buying merchandise...

I seem to remember that when TIAGD came out, there was a rather heated debate about free music being available on the 'net...

Opinions, guys and girls..?


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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2013, 08:25:13 PM »
Personally, like yourself I will do my damnedest not to hear it! I too like to have that object in my hands, with sleeve notes and artwork!  ;) 
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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2013, 09:21:08 PM »
Rather than listen to it on a low quality you-tube type recording through my very poor laptop speakers, I would rather wait to listen to MY copy, as the band intended. Brought, paid for, and mine.  ;)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 09:30:12 PM by Shush »


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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2013, 10:26:31 PM »
I shan't listen to it online if leaked. I want that slab of thick vinyl in my hands, I want to watch it turn as I listen  for the first time. Unless I can persuade one of my work colleagues at Mojo to lend me the review copy...  ;)
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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2013, 08:35:52 AM »
i say listen to it as soon as you can, then buy it a savour it then, while i can see the point of waiting, in my opinion life is too short and you never know what it holds for you, (as my gran used to say) you might get hit by a bus before that day comes


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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2013, 09:51:43 AM »
I'm afraid I'd listen to it. I want to hear the lyrics. I will still order it as soon as it's available. I used to go to a club called Sparrows in Bolton years ago and we somehow got a cd of The Love of Hopeless Causes weeks before its release. My mate just turned up with it one night. I still bought it when it came out though. I reckon we should be due a free download single going off the last few releases soon as well.


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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2013, 06:10:40 PM »
Yes I will (to sing along on tour start gigs) and yes, I`m waiting for the date of pre-order (nma shop and local dealer, too,  if there`s a difference of counting for the top 50 albums of the week)
I need a real cd (lp) with artwork and lyrics to enjoy my fav music & artists work 100%

Seven days and ? as a single download at the end of this month would be fine ;)
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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2013, 06:50:42 PM »
Rather than listen to it on a low quality you-tube type recording through my very poor laptop speakers, I would rather wait to listen to MY copy, as the band intended. Brought, paid for, and mine.  ;)

Agree 100% mate. I'd be seriously pissed off if someone leaked my work before I'd planned to unleash it to the world so I wouldn't wanna be a part of it by listening to it. I'd hold tight and wait.....and enjoy it all the more that way.  ;)
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Master Ray

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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2013, 08:50:26 PM »

Nah, just messing with you...  ;)

Just to muddy the waters a bit more... if anyone reading this forum is somewhere well away from the UK and who ordered their CD from the NMA shop in a perfectly acceptable fashion, yet gets to listen to it online well before it arrives on their doorstep... is that OK?

EDIT - the message I originally posted here made very little sense.  this is the replacement.  Damn you, cheap brandy!   :)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 12:11:18 AM by Master Ray »

Ron B

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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2013, 10:32:37 PM »

 I can wait for the official release. I did that the last time for the last album even thou it was leaked well before the release date. like someone else has said . I want to hear it in full stereo sound and I can crank the volume up  8).
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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2013, 12:14:53 PM »
I completely understand why some people prefer to have it in their hands the first listen, but I'm young and impatient and will probably cave in if I see it for download.
From experience, I know I'll have just as strong a feeling of giddy excitement pressing play on a high quality MP3 320/FLAC file connected to my lovely new (and LOUD!) bookshelf speakers as I would with the CD to hand.

Obviously I will be pre-ordering at least one copy - need to enjoy the CD artwork/lyrics etc at the earliest opportunity as well!


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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2013, 06:58:12 PM »
To calm your impatience, do what I did today, listen to their latest album from start to finish!!!, --  Today is a good day  ;),, then from tomorrow onwards, work your way through the back catalogue. That will tide you over till the end of Sept, and get you well ready for the new latest album. -- when officially released.  :P

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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2013, 10:35:39 PM »
Good call, Shush!  I do something similar when any band I like are about to put a new album out... a couple of weeks before, I start listening to their old stuff, just to crank up the anticipation so that when the new album hits, I'm good and ready for it (currently doing something similar for the Manics)...

That said, I can't deny that if BDAW gets on Youtube a couple of weeks before the official release date, I might (after a couple of beers) say to myself 'Well, I'll listen to one track... just the one... it won't affect my enjoyment of the whole album.  Will it?'

And so the downward spiral begins...


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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2013, 08:36:22 AM »
i say listen to it as soon as you can, then buy it a savour it then, while i can see the point of waiting, in my opinion life is too short and you never know what it holds for you, (as my gran used to say) you might get hit by a bus before that day comes

Completely agree.
As much as I appreciate the work of my favourite bands. I listen however I can and if I get the chance, I buy it. Much better than giving up the whole thing just because it's not on sale yet.
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Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2013, 12:10:12 PM »
That discussion happened on last albums leak too :)

And it's still the same for me. I will pre-order it as soon as it becomes available. But yes, I will listen to it as soon as possible too. And I don't feel guilty at all, the band gets my money anyway.

And yes, I love my cover artworks, but I love the music even more.