Author Topic: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors  (Read 18296 times)


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Re: Dario Argento and others horror/thriller movie directors
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2014, 07:26:49 PM »
Crowdfunding for Dario Argento's last film starring Iggy Pop!!:


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Re: Dario Argento and others horror/thriller movie directors
« Reply #31 on: October 15, 2014, 10:09:18 PM »
A few of his beautiful movies have been filmed in my beloved and beautiful native city.........Torino. a magic and misterious place for many reasons................
Profondo Rosso to everyone,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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Re: Dario Argento and others horror/thriller movie directors
« Reply #32 on: September 30, 2016, 05:24:51 PM »
Some Argento news:

SUSPIRIA, TENEBRE and PHENOMENA will be released on new 4K remastered Blu Rays at the end of the year, early 2017.

STAGE FRIGHT and THE CHURCH were films I liked a lot, although I haven't seen them in a good long while

THE CHURCH and THE SECT both directed by Michele Soavi (CEMETERY MAN, STAGE FRIGHT/DELIRIA) will be released this year around Halloween on UK Blu Rays!
« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 05:30:45 PM by Guillaume »

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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2016, 08:36:53 PM »
Thanks, G, I'll get on it when the finances are in better shape.


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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2016, 08:43:49 AM »
I've watched again this week OPERA and THE STENDHAL SYNDROME...great, great works...OPERA delivers some really stunning haunting camerawork, incredible! And THE STENDHAL SYNDROME is probably Argento's most mature, most character driven work...intimate and moving movie, Asia's performance is impressive in this film.

Thanks, G, I'll get on it when the finances are in better shape.

Yes, the end of the year is going to be very expensive i guess! Lots of cool Blu Ray to be released around Halloween and Christmas!!

Here are the artworks of the UK Blu Rays of Michele Soavi's films:

« Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 08:54:10 AM by Guillaume »


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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2016, 09:12:04 AM »
finally! i love both of the soavi pictures and was always looking for a good release. he made another brilliant movie: dellamorte dellamore
a fantastic movie, based on a comic series, very dark humor and fantastic camera work and set design and wonderful actors.
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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2016, 09:25:45 AM »
he made another brilliant movie: dellamorte dellamore
a fantastic movie, based on a comic series, very dark humor and fantastic camera work and set design and wonderful actors.

I LOVE this movie too!!! One of my favourite movies from the 90's and probably Soavi's best film.
It's so original, funny, touching, beautiful...Everett and Hadji Lazaro are also very good, and Anna Falchi is impressive too!!
Too bad i haven't seen this film on the big screen, again!!
Another Soavi film i would recommend is his dark thriller, horror movie at times! "Arrivderci amore, ciao"...his last theatrical movie released 10 years ago...again, solid stuff!
It's great to have now on HD "The Church" and "The Sect", indeed. Can't wait to own the Blu Ray"s to give them a better, proper look.


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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #37 on: June 25, 2018, 08:01:44 PM »
I don't know if some of NMA fans around here are in France this summer but from next Wednesday to July and August six of Dario Argento's best films will be re-released on the french big screens, in Paris and some others big cities! :):

"The bird with the crystal plumage", "Cat'o'nine tails", "Deep Red", "Suspiria", "Phenomena" and "Opera"...all of them new prints but of course in italian (or english) track with french subtitles!...but still recommended to see these gems on the big screen! ;)

Here's the trailer for the tribute/re-release:

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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #38 on: June 25, 2018, 08:40:51 PM »

Nice to see you back, G!  Doubt I can make it to any of those dates, but I'd love to see 'Phenomena' or 'Opera' on a big screen...

What do you reckon to the 'Suspiria' remake?  I was sceptical (seeing as there are so many bad horror movie remakes these days) but the trailer is so odd and there's certainly some talent involved... this one might actually be worth watching, especially if they avoid the whole 'give it a rating so the kiddies can watch it' and make it a full on horror film... trailer here, just in case you haven't seen it (aw, of course you have...  ;) )


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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2018, 01:49:24 PM »
What the heck...?
At first i thought of course this just cannot be good, but the trailer looks promising indeed.
Nice to have that thread brought up again, i forgot about it. And it's not so long ago that: Deep Red, Opera and The Sect joined my infamous collection in  wonderful Blu-Ray quality, by Koch Media a german company, who does very appealing Media Books -Editions they are called, of some underground and rare Movies. They come with an informative booklet and lots of rare special behind the scenes featurettes and interviews.

My Deep Red edition is by Arrow Video, which is also a ver good company for good releases of strange movies.

Just days ago i saw for the first time: Buio Omega-Beyond Darkness. And yeah, what can you say..;-) A nice soundtrack again by Goblin and i won't desribe the action here, it's really a bastard of a movie, a fantastic video nasty.
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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2018, 06:41:05 PM »
Nice to a mention for Arrow video, they do some superb re-releases of all sorts of odd stuff (my last addition was the wonderful Miracle Mile) and there are quite a few releases on my 'must get around to buying one day' list... love the way they pile on the extras...   :)


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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #41 on: June 28, 2018, 03:54:47 PM »
At the moment i'm waiting for "A Bay of Blood" by Mario Bava, which i haven't seen yet, should arrive the next days and i'm looking forward to it. It's also from Arrow Video.
Another good company with some furios releases and some real absurd niche movies is 88 Films. My Buio Omega is from them and it's a very good quality.

As for Argento, i would like to have Inferno on Blu but then tha's it. I haven't seen the later ones, but i heard so much bad reviews about Sleepless that i somehow lost interest.
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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2018, 09:34:29 PM »
What do you reckon to the 'Suspiria' remake?

The new "Suspiria"'s trailer left me a bit cold, i must say, but wait and see...

Nice to see you back, G!  Doubt I can make it to any of those dates, but I'd love to see 'Phenomena' or 'Opera' on a big screen...

the wonderful Miracle Mile

Great film, isn't it?

I watched both "Phenomena" and "Deep red" last week on the Max Linder big screen, in Paris...really cool looking prints.
"Phenomena" is magic, wonderful on the big screen...the film ages well, the soundtrack is punchy and there are so many lovely (and at times disturbing) images and ideas in this film...the finale is rather harrowing on the big screen, i must say!  :o
"Deep red" is absolutely gorgeous on the big screen...the locations, cinematography, Dario's frame like paintings, and that soundtrack!!

Next Friday another trip to Paris for "Opera"  :) ;) 8)  and maybe next week one last Argento on the big screen..."The bird with the crystal plumage" or maybe, again, "Phenomena".  ;D :D   

As for Argento, i would like to have Inferno on Blu but then tha's it. I haven't seen the later ones, but i heard so much bad reviews about Sleepless that i somehow lost interest.

Maybe you've heard bad reviews about "Sleepless" but i'm sure you've never heard bad reviews about "Sleepless"'s 20 first opening minutes!  ;)  Great stuff here, and also a great Max Von Sydow lead performance and a fantastic Goblin soundtrack!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 09:45:38 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #43 on: July 04, 2018, 02:06:27 PM »
Well, my opinion is totally based on prejudice, i know, and i consider myself more the type who makes up his own mind about things. so maybe i will give it a try soon. an italian friend of mine who is also interested in argento, who even worked on a set of a movie as a carpenter once, talked me out of it. i think i lost interest in the new works after trauma and the stendhal syndrom, but that was a long time ago.

what do you think about dario argentos dracula? it seems interesting and the opposite at the same time to me. so just give it a try?
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Re: Dario Argento the Maestro of Thrillers and Horror Movies
« Reply #44 on: July 04, 2018, 05:43:40 PM »
i think i lost interest in the new works after trauma and the stendhal syndrom, but that was a long time ago.
what do you think about dario argentos dracula? it seems interesting and the opposite at the same time to me. so just give it a try?

If you like Argento's early thrillers like "the bird with the crystal plumage", "Deep red" and "Tenebre" you will probably like "Sleepless", it's probably more flawed and uneven than these early movies but it looks and sounds like "Argento's greatest hits"!

I would say my favourite Argento's works from the 21st century are "The Card Player" (pretty solid cyber-thriller with a great lead performance and some cool Argento set-pieces) and his tv movie "Do you like Hitchcock?" I kinda liked his ending to the Mater Witches Trilogy "Mother of tears", it's entertaining and crazy fun but it lacks the sumptuous style of "Suspiria" and "Inferno".
"Dracula"...i enjoyed it when i watched it on the very big screen, 3D screening, in its french theatrical release...but i'm probably in the minority ;) It has a quite charming "old school" vibe, if you dig the old gothic italian movies and the old Hammer vampires movies, you will probably enjoy its atmosphere despite the cheesy/clumsy stuff here and there.