Well Vampire...i loved the ending, didn't feel it was rushed.
I LOVE the very last scene between the three characters especially the blunt crual last dialogue between Baldwin and Woods, something like "You have two days to escape but i'm going to find you and sorry i'll have to kill you..."...the farewell small bit between the two friends is bitter and quite moving i must say!:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gczFR-Y00_g&ab_channel=c0l0s022when i'm writing "rushed ending" i'm thinking of the scene before, the slaying of the vampires happening very fast very quickly in a few shots/fade out shots?, like if the budget wasn't enough at the end of the shooting for showing a bigger final showdown between the team and the vampires...or maybe Carpenter just wasn't so interested by that scene because we already saw lots of killing in the rest of the movie and also because the real "goals" of the finale was the sad end of the friendship between Woods and Baldwin.
And i liked that Baldwin Guy!
Yes he is good! The good clever thing in the screenplay is that Baldwin's chracter becomes somewhat the real hero, he is more nuanced, layered than the blunt rude character played by James Woods. The fact that Baldwin's character is bitten by Sheryl Lee's character and hides this to Woods's character until the end is an involving bit in the screenplay. I also like another crual idea the fact that Sheryl Lee is a "living camera" and sees all the murders that Valek is doing.
Overall i think that the characters in the film are interesting...Montoya, Jack Crow, the young priest/padre, the old priest. and that the performances are fine...Carpenter said when interviewed during the french theatrical release of the film in les Cahiers du Cinéma, that what he liked the most in the screenplay were the characters, he especially liked the old priest character, his dilemna, the fact that he betrays the Church because he has the fear of death...Carpenter adds that he understands perfectly why the old priest has this fear of death and so wants eternal endless life...a challenging idea!
It would be perfect for a triple feature of Near Dark, Tremors and Vampire...;-)
The soundtrack is cool too...the opening scene with the music is great, i remember thinking in theaters 1998 that the film would be fantastic just because of the opening scene, with that camera flying over the cool landscape, with this great track playing:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrnLleT6Pr0&ab_channel=Coruna21(Notice Carpenter's musical nod to the "Suspiria" main theme, between 0;30 and 0:45 during this opening scene!!)
I also love the "Crual highway" track and the scene with this track playing (just after the car crash when Sheryl, Daniel and James are walking on this "crual highway", looking for a new car...it's the kind of scene and track i never tire of playing! thrilling!):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF5iqyXGPBI&ab_channel=NK-89Getting back to Dario Argento, I just noticed that a bunch of his movies are available, full and uncut and in very good quality prints, on Youtube. Well worth checking out!
THE CARD PLAYER/IL CARTAIO...that one is underrated i think, it's fun and i like the lead characters, the lead actress Stefania Rocca is great:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R39slORgMWE&ab_channel=JAYVS.HORRORINFERNO...incredible surreal movie with incredible visuals and direction:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BEB9cGW2uA&ab_channel=nuuroUwUTHE STENDHAL SYNDROME...Dario's last masterpiece...Asia Argento is great, again fantastic Dario direction and an INCREDIBLE Ennio Morricon's soundtrack:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro8BF51_tnI&ab_channel=HGCTRAUMA...underrated with a young already talented Asia Argento and the fantastic Pino Donaggio track "Ruby rain":
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7g-VTq7g0A&ab_channel=Ouine01SLEEPLESS/NON HO SONNO...with a cool warm Max Von Sydow lead performance, a great Goblin come back and the famous creepy tense great opening train sequence:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk7pBHwmmvU&ab_channel=Ouine01THE CAT'O"NINE TAILS...second Argento movie and a huge success at the italien box office in 1970/71...far from my favourite but still a pretty good thriller:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZSm8pcP4_c&ab_channel=FlogodCinemaDEMONS...produced but not DIRECTED by Dario! It's silly but...great fun!:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE3xNWzsYpg&ab_channel=SelectorBrowTell me if i missed some Dario Argento films on Youtube!!
German/French tv Arte is screening next week for Halloween the stunning and beautiful OPERA.
Viva Argento!