Author Topic: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors  (Read 18295 times)


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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #360 on: May 14, 2021, 08:22:26 PM »
The score was very good, sometimes on the edge of too cheesy, because at first it just drags you with it, so emotional, but when you're into the mood of the film, it works very well.

I've just found today these really nice covers of the soundtrack!:


Yes, that guy did a brillant guitar work from this beautiful haunting piano soundtrack!


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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #361 on: June 08, 2021, 01:11:53 PM »
Here is a recommendation for those who like to watch strange and very strange, obscure low-budget horror movies.... 8)

Wow, what can i say!? For me this is one of the better, very good Lovecraft adaptations. But this movie is really very strange. First, the quality ranges from superb masterpiece to awful home-made video.

I don't know what it is, it seemed to me that this was shot on early digital equipment. You see wonderful images, framing, lighting, but it lacks a little of the depht of field effect film lenses have.

The movie has great moments and is mostly very good and beautifully filmed and the scenes are good. But then you also have those moments when you just think: "why the hell diidn't they shoot that again or just made some cuts, close ups, etc.." kind of feeling. This leaves me a bit curious about the production.
And there is this totally gay subtext, but it isn't a subtext, it's a huge part of the story, of the drama of the characters. That surprised me the most.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2021, 01:57:25 PM by cthulhu »
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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #362 on: June 08, 2021, 02:35:52 PM »
I haven't seen this one...for the moment!

And here's a great news, we don't know yet the names of the casting and the editor, but Dario Argento is going to direct, AT LAST!, at the end of this month his old thriller project OCCHIALI NERI/BLACK GLASSES and here's what his faithful co screenwriter Franco Ferrini (PHENOMENA, OPĂ‹RA, TRAUMA, THE STENDHAL SYNDROME, NON HO SONNO, THE CARD PLAYER, DO YOU LIKE HITCHCOCK? and...ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA) has to say about the story of the film...:

Intriguing...i can't wait!!
« Last Edit: June 08, 2021, 02:39:52 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #363 on: June 08, 2021, 07:33:10 PM »
cthulhu, glad you found this! I loved the movie with all its quirkiness - it had this weird atmosphere. I remember watching it many times, but that was over ten years ago...


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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #364 on: June 09, 2021, 09:22:22 AM »
I just checked out DVD on Amazon only avail.Region 1.....Googled Region 1 ...will not play on Region 2 (Europe) says you can re-programme your DVD player......that is not an option for my steam powered unit plus a person who has a job wiring a 13 amp plug... ::).... ;D....


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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #365 on: June 09, 2021, 12:53:27 PM »
cthulhu, glad you found this! I loved the movie with all its quirkiness - it had this weird atmosphere. I remember watching it many times, but that was over ten years ago...

Thank you, for that suggestion here! Since you told me about it i had it on my list and recently it had a nice price to it, so i ordered it. And yes, quirkiness maybe a very good description..;-)

That's a real pity. I have many Region Code 1/NTSC dvds in my collection, most strange movies are not published here. So i got myself dvd-players which either were region free by design or i could hack them. And hacking is not that difficult!! Sometimes you only have to do some combination on the remote while the disc-tray is open or something like that.
If you tell me what you have for a player i could look if there are any tricks to get it region free.
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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #366 on: June 09, 2021, 05:58:39 PM »
Cheers........i have been in the market for a new DVD player for sometime now, and yes a multi regional one is what i will look for....The one i currently own is a must be nearly 15 years old... ::).....things move very slowly in my world.. :)...


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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #367 on: June 10, 2021, 04:30:19 AM »
You could check out this website:
Unlock Sanyo DVD Players
maybe yours is listed there too and you can unlock it.

I don't know if you consider to upgrade to blu ray? I would recommend that, i think you also like old pictures. The quality of a good blu ray production from an old movie like let's say 2001 or Lawrence of Arabia is stonishing. At least for me it's pure joy to mostly re watch those movies and have a cinema like quality. Of course you would also need a full-hd television to look at.
For blu players it is harder to find a code free one, i couldn't get one and there are some, not many, US coded discs and editions i would like to have. But i'm very satisfied with the amount of productions for the european code.

And my last genre movie re-watch, which fits good in this thread, especially for Guillaumes taste, is

by Michael Mann.

Saw this very long ago and got it on blu recently. I chose to watch the director's cut, which meant that the new scenes weren't worked on and were very different poor quality to the rest of the images. That threw me out somtimes of the flow.
But it was a great thriller a very fine and suspenseful movie. Very creepy performance by Tom Noonan.

I almost forgot, the full movie Cthulhu is also on youtube:

Cthulhu (2007)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2021, 04:39:48 AM by cthulhu »
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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #368 on: June 10, 2021, 08:20:11 AM »
Very creepy performance by Tom Noonan.

yes he's incredible, creepy and also somewhat moving, sympathetic...all the scenes between him and Joan Allen are great, and the use of music on these moments is inspired (the Shriekback's tracks "Coelocanth" and "This big hush", also The Prime Movers's "Strong as i am") I mean, the tiger scene, so out of this world!!!
The theatrical cut is perfectly fine in my opinion so i tend to prefer it to the director's cut in part because like you say the picture quality isn't very good in the director's cut, they haven't restored the missing bits.
In the DC there are more little scenes with Molly's character (Kim Greist), i like the "Time is luck" bedroom scene between her and Graham/Petersen in the hotel for example, i guess putting not these bits in the theatrical cut enhanced more the loneliness and breakdown of Graham's character, isolated, far from his family.  The scene at the end when Graham comes to visit the family which should have been the target of Dollarhyde is interesting i think, it has a slightly ambiguous feel.
The interviews on the Blu Ray special release are interesting i think, especially the composers/musicians and the director of cinematography Dante Spinotti who has made an outstanding work in this film, like in Mann's next films ("The insider", "Heat", "The last of the Mohicans...) ..."Manhunter" is still an hypnotic and fascinating film, after all these years, its dream-like icy disturbing atmosphere is quite unique, i think! I don't really think of others thrillers/serial killer movies with this kind of surreal dream-like mood, Mann's "The Keep" has this kind of atmosphere but it's a gothic horror/war movie..
« Last Edit: June 10, 2021, 08:52:19 AM by Guillaume »


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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #369 on: June 10, 2021, 09:47:47 AM »
Thanks for the links.........Manhunter also avail.on YouTube......


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Re: Dario Argento and others thrillers/horror movies directors
« Reply #370 on: January 27, 2023, 08:43:36 PM »
I'm going to write something about it, so for any who might want to see the movie sometime, there are some SPOILERS ahead:

The film really manages to create a mystery and the atmosphere of mystery. I absolutely loved the story which had some unexpected turns and there were these hints of conspiracy, or you felt that some of the protagonists were playing wrong and of course you wonder what is going on with Julia. It had more depth than a supernatural-haunted story and there were hints that this (the film) is a subjective pov of julia. So that Mirrors are important, maybe showing that she is reflecting herself.

But also the cursed storyline was very interesting and  really a bit scary how it unfolded and is also very important. Here we have kind of another twist showing reflection. A german boy was murdered, became a victim and the murderers were children, innocence became guilt. I don't know, maybe this is too much interpretation, but the revelations through the story were suspenseful and surprising and gave more layers.

There is this one scene, where Julia lies in bed on the right side of the frame in a dark room and on the left side the closed door shows a line of light underneath and Julia is sitting up and talking clearly and loudly into the dark: "don't be afraid!" and she is saying that TO someone. i think that shows that another person is talking right now - talking to julia, she is talking to herself, she is talking to the imagined ghost.
But is is not clear. The accidents that happen seem to be by chance, bad luck, a curse, or is Julia the curse?

There was only one thing that threw me out of the movie and made me wonder too much and it's at the very, very end so it didn't hurt that much;-) and maybe i'm too specific about it, but here is one change of tune in the song while the camera moves away from julia, where the theme keeps repeating and then it kind of "has" to change, it felt like they felt:" damn, we cant keep this on longer" and the tune goes up and thereby changes the mood slightly and it just threw me off. yeah, silly i know;-)

The score was very good, sometimes on the edge of too cheesy, because at first it just drags you with it, so emotional, but when you're into the mood of the film, it works very well.

This is really a beautiful, clever Movie from that time and i hope to see it again with a good restauration and transfer.

Best news of the year, FULL CIRCLE/THE HAUNTING OF JULIA has been restored and will be released on Blu Ray in England, Australia and America in the spring!!! Colin Towns' famous music will also be available on CD in these Blu Ray releases:


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Re: Dario Argento and others horror/thriller movie directors
« Reply #371 on: August 19, 2024, 09:38:00 AM »
Dario Argento is my favourite horror director of all time, although his recent work is a bit questionable (got GAILLO queu'd up on Netflix, but bad reviews keep me away from it... I'll get around to it one day...)

I love Argento's stuff because it is so grandiose, amazing set-pieces with fantastic music and photography... the horror movie as art, truly.

Have you finally seen Dario's last film, DARK GLASSES (original title: OCCHIALI NERI), released two years ago?
I think you might like it, as much as SLEEPLESS for example. It's a solid, brilliant comeback from Dario, and perhaps a swan song because Dario made this film at 81 years old. A tense, fast-paced thriller, and better than that, an unexpectedly touching film. I wholeheartedly recommend DARK GLASSES/OCCHIALI NERI!