OK, here we go... my big JC retrospective that I promised ages ago but forgot about... and I'm not going to do it in one big post, just in chunks with possibly a bit of personal relevance added in (because I am arrogant enough to think that the world revolves around me....)

It's my opinion that between 1976 and 1988, John Carpenter rarely put a foot wrong. During those wonderful VHS years there was classic after classic. After that, things got a bit patchy (but still much to enjoy)... I'll stick to his films as a director for cinema (never seen the Elvis TV movie but I rather liked 'The Eyes Of Laura Mars', which he wrote and is a pretty decent flick)...
But, hey, Dark Star came out in 1975 and it never really struck a chord with me, it was an extended student film that, to be honest, looked like some guys smoked a lot of weed, got hold of some movie-making equipment and decided to make a movie. It's not terrible, there's a certain charm that might resonate if you've been imbibing some of that same substance, I've seen it twice but I see no reason to investigate further.
Doesn't matter because the awesome 'Assault On Precinct 13' followed. Bloody love this film. Low budget as heck but all the better for it, stripped down, great characters, often funny and occasionally nasty (hell, they shot a cute little girl in cold blood about twenty minutes in!) and still my favourite John Carpenter theme ever. So dark and creepy. And why the heck did Darwin Joston and Austin Stoker never become big stars, they were both great!
I'll add a personal reason why I love this film... my Dad, during his copper days, worked the Miners Strike in the 80's and he must have worked at one of the quieter pits because he said he rarely saw any 'action', him and his fellow police officers just spent the days watching videos (and a heck of a lot of VHS porn, he recently admitted to me

) but when he came home one weekend, and knowing what a massive film fan I was, he raved about AOP13 and insisted we watch it together... we found a copy in the local video store and watched it together the following night. My Mum was elsewhere for some reason. A lovely memory of me and Me Dad, just hanging out and watching an awesome film.
I'll follow with more JC movie memories... please feel free to tell me to stop babbling on if it gets too much.